Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Israel - Hamas War -- Live Updates December 19, 2023


The Guardian: Palestinian casualties in Gaza near 20,000 with nearly 2m people displaced 

UK and Germany demand ‘sustainable ceasefire’ as Israel’s military campaign enters 11th week Israeli forces have bombed a home in southern Gaza, killing 25 people, hit a refugee camp in the north and raided one of the area’s last operating hospitals, as Palestinian casualties in the territory climbed towards 20,000. 

The death toll from airstrikes and grim conditions for nearly 2 million people displaced from their homes with little access to food, clean water or sanitation is fuelling growing international anger, even among Israel’s close allies.  

Read more .... 


Live updates | Israel launches more strikes in Gaza as UN delays vote on a cease-fire resolution -- AP  

Live: Aid agencies voice frustration as UN discusses Gaza ceasefire vote -- BBC  

Live: Israeli bombardment of Gaza continues as tensions rise in the Red Sea -- France 24 

Israel-Gaza war live: UN security council meets before ceasefire vote; Hamas says it’s not interested in prisoner talks -- The Guardian  

Live Israel-Hamas war: UN Security Council delays Gaza vote -- DW 

Israel - Hamas War -- Live Updates December 19, 2023 

Israel delivers deadly airstrikes in south Gaza and raids a hospital in the north -- AP 

Israel keeps pounding Gaza, Houthis vow more Red Sea attacks -- Reuters 

Gaza health ministry says Israeli strikes kill 110 in Jabalia -- BBC 

Israeli airstrikes kill 'at least 110' in Gaza as Ben Wallace condemns 'killing rage' -- The Independent  

Israeli troops raid one of last functioning hospitals in northern Gaza -- The Hill  

Gaza hospital director admits Hamas used medical complex as operational hub -- Times of Israel  

Video: Medical facilities bear the brunt of the war in Gaza -- CNN  

UN agencies voice anger at Gaza hospital attacks, deprivation -- Reuters 

Israel bombards Rafah as pressure mounts over civilian death toll in Gaza -- Al Jazeera  

High civilian toll in Gaza is cost of crushing Hamas, Israeli military officials say -- Reuters 

Israel vows to fight on in Gaza despite deadly ambush and rising international pressure -- AP 

Israel-Hamas war: Heavy rain compounds misery in Gaza -- DW  

UN: Almost half of Gaza's population now in Rafah -- DW 

US envoys work for a new hostage release deal and a scale-down of the Israel-Hamas war -- AP  

UN Security Council waters down resolution language to avoid US veto on Gaza war -- France 24  

Israel-Hamas war: US defense chief visits amid truce calls -- DW


Anonymous said...

March 9, 1945 - March 10, 1945

Bombing of Tokyo, (March 9–10, 1945), firebombing raid (codenamed “Operation Meetinghouse”) by the United States on the capital of Japan during the final stages of World War II, often cited as one of the most destructive acts of war in history, more destructive than the bombing of Dresden, Hiroshima, or Nagasaki. Although the precise death toll is unknown, conservative estimates suggest that the firestorm caused by incendiary bombs killed at least 80,000 people, and likely more than 100,000, in a single night; some one million people were left homeless. The Japanese later called this the “Night of the Black Snow.”

Anonymous said...

Yep. Old Curt LeMay was a war criminal, pure ad simple

But if this istuation in Gaza goes unpunished, then . the Russians should copy the stratagem and use it on Kiev and Lviv.

B.Poster said...

I looked up Curt LeMay. Admittedly my research isn't complete. From what I've read so far he should be lauded as a true American patriot who did what needed to be done to defeat a very powerful and intractable enemy of America.

As for the situation in Gazaz, if the Palestinians go unpunished, this won't be good. I'm pretty sure the Russians and others are studying the situation closely. If the Palestinians are successful, I'm sure the Russians and others would be expected to adopt similar strategies. When America is invaded, I don't expect the militaries of our adversaries to make distinctions between military and non military targets.

Anonymous said...

Curt LeMay was a great guy. A true American. But he intentionally fire bombed hundreds of thousands to death. Can you say "excessive force" or how about the concept of "required to protect the innocent"?

I love you like a brother, B poster, and for you, as a fellow Christian, I will explain my intent....my intent is....."sarcasm".... simple as that.

You have all these pathetic hypocrites talk about human rights and "international law" ...only when it suites them.....

But if somehow, like Gaza, the :"good guys". decide its ok to commit genocide, then somehow it s ok, and look the other way

I do not agree with that. If you do that then you owe the defendants in The "Tokyo and Nuremberg War Crime Trials" an apology. They need to also come out and say the truth...

Those trials were not about justice or equality before the law, those trials were about "victor's justice" and all this international law stuff is just plain crap.

I was totally against the Vietnam protest hippies. At that time i believed the war was needed. But I also remember after the war when it came out that the NVA was throwing people into "reeducation camps." None of the hippy protesters, like Jane Fonda or Tom hayden or Abby Hoffman or any of these supposed "morally superior people" said anything, Those poor souls in Vietnam went to the camps and many suffered and died there.

But there was one person who I will also remember who did say something. She had a sense of honor and justice.

That was Joan Baez.

Someone asked her about the situation in Vietnam and she said.

"There is no difference between a capitalist bully and a communist bully."

This is what I am geting at. Where are the people who are unafraid to say the truth? To call a spade a spade.?

Major Issue said...

a spade is a spade. ok? now, what is the (your) truth?
that general simply carries out and does not make policy.

Ron said...

I still want to know how these numbers are proven. I will not for a minute believe anything that comes from Hamas. I seldom believe what my own government says. Let an honest organization see the names and graves. Can Russian satellites show us the changes in Gaza graveyards to match these numbers? News that is not researched and qualified is not news, it is just a story, a narrative. Nothing for me to get excited about. I suppose Hamas counts their dead terrorist as civilian deaths.

Anonymous said...

what is the truth..look with your eyes....Gaza looks like Berlin or Aachen or, any other bombed-out city during WWII.

How many Jews were killed and captured during the week of October 7th?

Now look at Gaza, a city of two million souls. And can you honestly tell me that the Israelis are using proportional force in this effort?

This attack on Gaza is more like a punitive expedition than a legitimate operation to destroy the enemy.

I would also ask, are the Israelis making any provisions to rebuild Gaza , like we did Germany under the Marshall plan?

Of course not. For the Israelis, this is an effort to solve the "Palestinian Question" once and for all.

Yes, for once and for all, Israel will reclaim all the land from the River to the Sea. Even if they need to kill every Palestinian to do it.

I said it before...these are all semites. the jews and arabs deserve each other. Hate breeds hate.

B.Poster said...

I think I see we're you going with this. The application of "International Law" and "human rights" has, at best, been applied inconsistently and, at worst, hypocriticallly with the latter likely being more accurate.

I tend to agree. As this applies to our current situation, Palestinian Arabs are pretty much allowed to do anytbing without any real consequences. In contrast, Israel is expected to abide by ridiculous rules of engagement against a genocidal and intractable enemy who enjoys vast and deep support. Also, our enemies in Iraq, Afghanistan, and on 911 were/are allowed to do pretty much anything whereas our personnel faced/face relentless scrutiny and overzealous prosecutions. It's incalculable how many good people were lost because of this.

As for the post WW2 trials, I have a somewhat different take on this. Given what the adversary had done and the magnitude of their defeat, the punishments handed out were quite merciful in my considered opinion. When compared with what some people at that time wanted to do to the defeated enemy after what they'd done, this is especially so. I'd call it the best possible solution for an imperfect situation. I'd say Nazis and Imperial Japanese should be grateful!!

Now as for calling a spade a spade, it's WAY past time to call out the genocidal Palestinian Arabs for what they are and deal with them accordingly. The only reason for a "cease fire" as is being breathlessly called for is to allow the Arabs time and space to rest, rearm, and emerge more energized to resume the fight. As for the aid convoys, those are strictly to support the Palestinian war effort. Call a spade a spade. Israel needs to continue until the genocidal enemy can no longer hurt them.

Anonymous said...

It’s naive to think it ends from the river to the sea. The settlers won’t stop until both the Euphrates and Tigris are a part of greater Israel, and those countries are fully aware of it. Hence the new Islamic alliances forming between the Shiite and Sunni countries these past weeks.

Anonymous said...

B poster. For my part, No, the Palestinians are not above the law. They too must pay for the consequences of their actions. And rightly so.

In any situation, The guilty must pay for their crimes. The innocent need to be vindicated. Now comes to the tricky part.


This is the question.

How will the guilty come to justice?

And Do we punish the innocent to bring the guilty to justice???

These are the hard questions that every generation must face.

My opinion on this, is that the current situation is unjust. The application of force used by the Israeli army is excessive.

And why is it excessive? Because they do not want to take the casualty rates of doing house to house fighting and rooting out the enemy. Instead, they will bomb and kill all in their way.

This is what the nazis did. One german was worth the lives of a 100 or a 1000 poles or Russians. The Israelis believe the same thing and that, in part, drives their style of fighting.

Sad but true.

We saw this in Lebanon in the 1980s. They shot at Us (Americans) as they saw fit,. And their over all strategy was the Iron Fist. Strangely, this is the same strategy the nazis used in Eastern Europe .

It is scary , the parallels involved here.

And I will repeat myself

A segment of the population is:

Pushed into / hemmed into an urban area

That population is abused, mistreated and basically considered sub-humans.

That population revolts against it's oppressors.

The Masters come in and put down the revolt with brutal methods.

So which one am I talking about?

The Warsaw Ghetto uprising in WW2. Or Gaza today?

You choose.