Sunday, December 3, 2023

Israel Is Using An AI Program Dubbed "The Gospel" To Select Targets In Gaza

‘To claim there’s precision and narrowness of force being exerted is not borne out by the facts,’ said one researcher. Photograph: Atef Safadi/EPA 

The Guardian: ‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza  

Concerns over data-driven ‘factory’ that significantly increases the number of targets for strikes in the Palestinian territory 

Israel’s military has made no secret of the intensity of its bombardment of the Gaza Strip. In the early days of the offensive, the head of its air force spoke of relentless, “around the clock” airstrikes. His forces, he said, were only striking military targets, but he added: “We are not being surgical.” 

There has, however, been relatively little attention paid to the methods used by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to select targets in Gaza, and to the role artificial intelligence has played in their bombing campaign. 

As Israel resumes its offensive after a seven-day ceasefire, there are mounting concerns about the IDF’s targeting approach in a war against Hamas that, according to the health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza, has so far killed more than 15,000 people in the territory.  

Read more ....  

Update: Israeli AI ‘Assassination Factory’ Plays Central Role in the Gaza War (  

WNU Editor: The software, computer networks, and the surveillance platforms that are being used to gather the intelligence that makes this possible must be incredibly complex and massive. But it explains why Israel is able to launch each day the large number of attacks that it claims are against Hamas targets.


RussInSoCal said...

What every hysterical moron who is shrieking about dead Gazans needs to remember is that this was all completely avoidable. The Gazans started this by butchering 1400 Israelis on Oct 7. I hope the Israelis continue to slaughter as many Gazan/Hamas enemies as they possibly can, for as long as need be. Until they are all dead.

Anonymous said...

Mohammed from the bakery with his 5 year old k8d was not responsible for oct 7

RussInSoCal said...

1:26 AM

"Mohammed from the bakery" was dancing in the street as a five year old when Al Qaeda flew airplanes into the twin towers 22 years ago. He is now the Hamas fighter who raped and dismembered the (still living) 14 year old girl on Oct 7. His 5 year old son is a conditioned murderer who will be the perp of the next mass-murder attack.

My sympathy well is dry.

Anonymous said...

A lot of dots to join on that

RussInSoCal said...

1:54 AM

There for all to see. (on youtube)

Hans Persson said...

And you only had 3 dots and those were terrible. Whats your point @1:57?

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

Like blaming everyone in the twin towers for 9/11.lm no Palestinian apologist but the logic that they all deserve it is fkd up

Anonymous said...


And I wasn’t responsible for what happened to the blacks in the US 100 years ago or what happened to the indigenous peoples of Canada, but I pay for it every single day in more than a few ways. Point is, too fucking bad.

Anonymous said...

Like saying all Americans wanted to overthrow the govt , due to the youtube footage of the riot

Anonymous said...

So you knew Mohammad? Guilty by association then. You should join him in the pit.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised at the level of hate on a blog that preaches it daily.

Anonymous said...

The apartheid state bombs bakeries and calls an ambulance a tank.

Garbage in garbage out.

Anonymous said...

305. If you are paying the price for things that happened a hundred years a go it is because your society is being led by morons.

It has nothing to do with what has happened today in he Gaza war. For the civilized Some things are sacred and immortal. You do not go into an area and indiscriminately kill women, old men and kids.

It is just not done,

The jew and the Palestinian....they deserve each other. Hate breeds hate.

And to call the murder AI/skynet system the Gospel? What a bunch of slime balls the jews are. They should be calling it the Torah or Talmud or better yet, the Kabbalah.

It is like using the Christian symbol of the Rainbow for a symbol of Gay perverse life style. It is a sacrilege, pure and simple.

Most people do not pick up on this type of erosion. It is all part of a de-evolution of western culture and morals. 60 years ago there would have been outrage at this naming convention , now? Nothing

Think I am wrong?
Remember the outrage when the US navy wanted to name a Sub the Corpus Cristi? The catholics raised hell and they had to change the name to "The city of Corpus Cristi".


No, not when it shows the de-evolution in your culture. This de-evolutin is not going to stop.

Death by a thousand paper cuts.

Anonymous said...

AI.. the cover for everything

No no, we avoided human casualties.. God AI told us its ok

Death to AI

Anonymous said...

You are correct.

Anonymous said...

"We've been waging an all-out war on American democracy," Donald Trump inadvertently said during a speech in Iowa.

Donald Trump Speech Gaffe Sparks Avalanche of Jokes, Memes

Anonymous said...

When the Germans firebombed London, and America firebombed
Tokyo--let alone the A-bombing, we did not need the help of AI

Anonymous said...

yeah they all have these little glitches it seems