Friday, December 1, 2023

Israel Signals It 'Will Look To Kill Hamas' Leaders Around The World After The War Ends'

(Clockwise top left: Marwan Issa; Khaled Meshaal; Mahmoud Zahar; Yehiya Sinwar; Ismail Haniyeh; Mohammed Deif  

Daily Mail: Israel 'will look to kill Hamas's leaders around the world after the war ends', saying 'they are marked for death' 

* Israel 'already started preparation' for targeted killings of Hamas leaders abroad 

Israel has plans to eliminate Hamas and will take out its leaders abroad when the war ends, it has been reported.

Hamas leaders around the world could be the target for assassination, Israeli officials told WSJ. According to the report, Israel has already started the preparation for targeted killings abroad.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: These are the top 3 Hamas officials on Israel's hit list .... Insight: Israel's most wanted: the three Hamas leaders in Gaza it aims to kill (Reuters). These are the top leaders of Hamas .... Hamas: Who are the group's most prominent leaders? (BBC).


Anonymous said...

Why would they even talk about this? Just take action.

Anonymous said...

Agree 100% with the comment above. This is showing some major cracks in the aura of Israeli invincibility. First, Israel intelligence and the military was asleep and allowed 1,600 civilians to be butchered by the Palestinian terrorists who crossed their border unopposed. Now this--telegraphing their intentions to kill the Hamas leadership to the world.

If Israel is to survive, it needs to realize their will be no peace ever with the Palestinians. The Palestinians, and most Arabs, hate Israel and want the Jewish state to perish with every Jewish man, woman and child dead. If Israel can not understand this, then perhaps what we are seeing now is the beginning of the end for the nation of Israel.

Anonymous said...

The bold public statement is an announcement to the world and esp. to any nation harboring those terrorists. But the statement above is not true: a number of Arab nations now see the advantage of accepting a Jewish state in the region. Saudi Arabia was to work out a deal with Israel and Iran gave the go-ahead to Hamas to stymie this. But the Saudis plan to go ahead with this war subsides. Some states that are Arab do not like the Palestinians, for some reason, and are unwilling to house refugees in their countries.

Anonymous said...

Clown behavior from the apartheid state.

Anonymous said...

It's putting the countries giving these terrorists refuge on notice. This is nothing new, everyone knows this will happen so it's a win win.

Anonymous said...

Works both ways.

Anonymous said...

This is funny as hell. Half the people posting here complaining about Ukraine and sovereignty and yet let's give the Israelis a free pass to violate a nations borders, break a nations laws, circumvent a nations justice system and murder a person on a sovereign nations territory.

Is the hypocrisy not glaringly obvious?

Do any of you all think? Or is airplane glue your favorite meal for breakfast?

Anonymous said...

Hamas and Russia are very similar. Always attacking their neighbors.

In fact Russia has funded Hamas.

Anonymous said...

And so did Bibi's party fund Hamas and so did a lot of NGOs. And no they are not similar. But I would expect the People in the Donbass to say that Hamas and the Ukrainian government are very similar. Take away their language, Take away their religion, treat them as second class citizens.

Anonymous said...

I hope they kill every single Hamas member. Make the world a better place!

Anonymous said...

can you say that about all the jews too?

Anonymous said...

this I getting nuts