Monday, December 18, 2023

Listening Devices Found In The Office Of Ukraine's Top General, Valery Zaluzhny

Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valeriy Zaluzhnyi visits a monument to Holodomor victims during a commemoration ceremony of the famine of 1932-33, in which millions died of hunger, in Kyiv, Ukraine November 25, 2023. The ceremony happens amid Russia's attack on Ukraine. REUTERS/Viacheslav Ratynskyi/File Photo 

Washington Post: Listening devices found in office of Ukraine's top general, Valery Zaluzhny 

KYIV — Ukraine’s military said Monday that listening devices were found in the offices of the country’s top commanding general, Valery Zaluzhny, and other military officials but did not indicate who might have placed the bugs or what conversations might have been surreptitiously recorded. 

The military statement, made in a Facebook post, came one day after Ukrainian media reported that Zaluzhny’s “office” had been bugged and the country’s security service, the SBU, said it had opened a criminal investigation. 

“Yesterday, during a routine inspection of the premises, elements of equipment for recording information were discovered,” the general staff of the Ukrainian military wrote in the post. “Listening devices were installed in offices designated for the work of the commander in chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and employees of his office.” 

The general staff also did not say how long the devices were thought to have been in Zaluzhny’s office. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I have a long list of who would want to bug the General's office. My top 3 are Russia, Western foreign intelligence services, and Zelensky himself.  

Update: I have been hearing a lot of criticisms of Zelensky by General Valery Zaluzhny in the past few weeks. Not surprised that Russian media is now feeding this dissension .... Top Ukrainian general criticizes Zelensky – media (RT). 

 Listening Devices Found In The Office Of Ukraine's Top General, Valery Zaluzhny 

Ukraine probes listening device found in office used by top general -- Reuters  

Zaluzhny confirms discovery of listening device in office designated for his use -- TASS  

Ukraine probes wiretapping of top general’s office -- RT 

Office of Ukraine’s Top General Was Bugged, Military Says -- Daily Beast  

Who tried to spy on Ukraine’s top general? -- RT


Anonymous said...

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Anonymous said...

Poroshenko was recorded on phone calls two weeks ago (Dec 2) with other oligarchs planning a "soft" coup, and he repeatedly said "Zaluzhny is with us".

Poroshenko is now trapped inside the country at the demand of the SBU and his 'handlers' are draining his accounts to buy drones and RF jammers.

Unlike the candy man, Zaluzhny is more than a theater prop, and he isn't going to speak openly about such things on electronic devices. So all the presidential office (and the SBU) have on him right now are the secondhand allegations of a less-than-honest conman trying to save his ill-begotten chocolate empire.

The SBU had to get a bug into his office where he speaks his mind.

I would think that if they got him saying anything in relation to negotiation with the Russians it would already have been used to discredit and remove him.

They have no conclusive evidence of his involvement in the plot, and Zaluzhny still has the loyalty of his men (not sure why) so the cold war between the civilian and military commands shall continue, with two separate (oppositional) visions on how the war should be conducted.

Anonymous said...

Viva Zaluzhny

Anonymous said...

MSM =lies lies lies

Anonymous said...

from experience i can say is almost alaways an insider job Zelensky 99%