Friday, December 22, 2023

Must Watch Rant From gCaptain On The State Of America's Merchant Marine

WNU Editor: John Konrad is saying what many are choosing to ignore. The gCaptain's website is here (link here).


Anonymous said...

True patriot

Anonymous said...

Watched film.

He has everyrigth to be concerned.

Why is he reciving so much pushback?


Cyber command information ops is on the job,.

What this Captain says goes against the narrative...US Navy can handle any situation.

To infer our divine Political and military leadership is hiding the situation or has does not have command of the situation is tantamount to heresy.

Not that this gentleman is lying , but he is telling the unvarnished truth. That is why he has been targeted.

Such a thought stream must be crushed and that is why he is must be hammered.