Friday, December 15, 2023

My Reaction To The Shocking "Civil War: Trailer


Mashable: A24's chilling 'Civil War' trailer sees America tearing itself apart 

It's a grim picture, even with Nick Offerman playing the president. 

Men, Ex Machina, and Annihilation director Alex Garland examines an America tearing itself apart in Civil War, and honestly, the trailer feels deeply uncomfortable to watch. 

A24 dropped a chilling first look at the upcoming film which sees a "near-future" U.S. descending into brutal conflict. We're introduced to Nick Offerman as the president overseeing a dominant U.S. military suppressing state by state. He's accused of using air strikes against his own citizens, while armed forces take over the streets of New York and Washington DC. Then, the Lincoln Memorial is blown up. It's a grim picture.  

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WNU Editor: I saw this trailer for the first time only last night. And this follows watching the movie "Leave The Word Behind" only a few days ago (trailer here). I am a follower and consumer of American culture. There is obviously something in the air about unrest in the U.S. exploding into something like a Civil War. At least that is what Hollywood is promoting.


Hans Persson said...

Movies today suck anyway, I dont understand the "discussion" around this.

Hans Persson said...
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Anonymous said...

predictive programming

Anonymous said...

Just about all suggestions of civil war in the US are based upon GOP acquiescence to a Trump presidency...note, for example, the entire Atlantic special issue devoted to this--in which Trump uses the military to impose his rule upon the nation. You do not see Democrat voters as initiating fascistic controls. Look then to your own biases for president and see what he has thus far done and further plans doing. It is all there and readily discovered.

Anonymous said...

It's a possibility, and they want to make money off an ongoing thought trend.

but know this.

DC is truly the "Capital District" of the hunger games.

What do I mean?

it no longer represents the common man. It has also polluted the justice system which means that there is no equality before the law. The social contract is broken.

The blob is a, Affluent, pretentious, Insufferably arrogant, an egotistical rat hole of psychotic and sociopathic personalities.

But, Most importantly, the Capital District is vindictive and hateful. Look what they did to the Ukraine, Syria and others.

For those of you wanting to revolt, remember this, they will make Gaza and the Warsaw ghetto look like a cake walk.

so if You do this, be prepared to lose everything. And I mean everything.

And on the other side, those who oppose the tryanny of the blob.... They will also respond in kind.

It will be ugly, just like any civil war.

Hate breeds hate.

Remember: the city of Vicksburg, refused to fly the flag of the United States until WW2

That hate, will last for generations.

Anonymous said...


You are really blind. The progressive liberals are and were the ones driving this divide......FOR YEARS......

Who is/was

Driving woke policies?

Who is making crime increase In the cities by refusing to enforce the laws and basic civility?

Who is dividing society even more by the 1619 like projects and trying to divide the races even more by demonizing whites?

Who pushed the death of the Melting pot in the 1980's and then wanted open borders to insure that we develop into a divided society where the overall feeling is alienation from our fellow citizens?

Who helped sending heavy industry overseas and de- industrialization of the USA for environmental reasons?

Who celebrated the destruction of the things that bind us together? Such as a common religion, a belief in our shared history , a value of our sacred traditions , a reverence for those who came before us and sacrificed so much so we could live in peace and freedom?

All of these concepts, which a unified society cannot survive?

Who did this? By slow death of a thousand paper cuts, progressive liberalism has been a self destructive cancer.

Trump??? Trump is a Fing blip on the screen.

This division is the result off long term cultural progressive Liberal trends.

The progressive Democrats are pushing the country to the edge. The Repubs are not helping any, they just go with the flow.

Don't try to gaslight us with bullshit.

Matthew Putnam said...


The creature just wants attention and to rile people up. That thing has its head so far up its ass that it has just about asphyxiated itself, simply cannot think and is just writhing around on the floor. Its an intellectually dead rodent; a troll gift left at the doorstep of the WNU comments section. You cant be that genuinely stupid, situationally and politically inattentive, and so absolutely partisan and believe that those ramblings can actually be pawned off as anything but shit magnet troll fuckery outside of a leftist college classroom or Reddit echo chamber.

Anonymous said...

I forget if you live in America or not. Have you visitted in the last 8 years?

Anonymous said...

Preventive Policing

Anonymous said...

Where I grew up we talked about stuff like this on the school playground from 1st grade onward.
Course it would help if certain former allies helped the re-revolutionary councils by blinding the eye in the sky.

Anonymous said...

Spot on 👍

Anonymous said...

Come on Freddy baby try the real world once, it's not as bad as you think.

Anonymous said...

There will be no civil war until the dollar dies. The fate of the US is directly tied to the dollar. If/when countries stop using the dollar then the poor state of US finances which are on paper some of the worst in the world will hit the country like a brick. For now countries still depend on the dollar. But if say a nuclear war(even a so called limited one) happened then everyone will dump the dollar en masse. POTUS can plead and threaten all he wants nobody is using the dollar after such a scenario. Once the dollar dies and the average person is thrown into genuine destitution unrest is a matter of time. With a cash strapped military paid in peanuts well there won't be much of a force to maintain law and order left. Homeland Security though might take over. Who knows.

Anonymous said...

This is all about scaring voters next November that when Dictator Trump is elected there will be a civil war. So vote for Joe Biden!

Joe Biden- who has now got us into a disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, two serious wars in Israel and Ukraine, a pending war in Taiwan/South China Sea and a daily invasion of military age males through our wide open borders.

10,000 illegals a day is the equivalent of an infantry division crossing every day and disappearing into our once great country. They will wait for FJB to put is in a shooting war and then the Homeland will explode into a combat zone.

Anonymous said...

It’s a Québecois(e)

SDJ said...

The movie looks a little ridiculous, but I find myself torn. I am a Texan by birth but in practice I follow Ron Swanson on most issues.

Hans Persson said...

It's a movie, fiction, I would watch it. They also did Ex Machima among other great movies.

Anonymous said...

Entertaining movie, watch it and forget about it. It's not a documentary

Anonymous said...

In the next civil war, it will be the Reds killing the Blues.

Anonymous said...

The American Indians killing the baseball umpires?