Tuesday, December 5, 2023

No U.S. Response To Yemen's Houthi Attack On A U.S. Warship In The Red Sea

The USS Carney fired back against Houthi rebels on Sunday, taking down three unmanned aerial systems. | Ryan U. Kledzik/U.S. Navy  

Politico: US officials frustrated by Biden administration’s response to attacks in Red Sea  

Jake Sullivan said the U.S. ‘cannot assess’ a U.S. warship was targeted. 

An hourslong firefight involving U.S. commercial vessels in the Red Sea this weekend has left some U.S. officials frustrated by what they see as the Biden administration’s deliberate downplaying of a major threat to American forces.

A U.S. Navy warship scrambled to respond to multiple distress calls on Sunday, as Houthi rebels in Yemen launched missiles and drones against three separate commercial vessels. The USS Carney fired back, taking down three unmanned aerial systems.  

Read more .... 

Update: US considering 'appropriate action' in response to Houthi missile attacks in Red Sea (ABC News)  

Update #2: US Sends Mixed Signals After Houthi Attacks In Red Sea (Iran International).  

WNU Editor: National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is saying the U.S. ‘cannot assess’ a U.S. warship was targeted. This contradicts earlier claims from the Pentagon that the U.S. was being targeted .... Pentagon: U.S. warship, commercial ships attacked in Red Sea (AP). 

Update #3: It looks like this is what the US response will be .... U.S. Considers Task Force to Guard Red Sea Ships From Iranian Proxy Forces (DNYUZ/New York Times). More here .... U.S. in Talks to Form New Red Sea Task Force to Guard Commercial Ships in the Red Sea, Says White House (USNI News).  

Update #4: An interesting read .... US Navy ship attacked in Red Sea by Houthi militants: How it unfolded (USA Today).


Anonymous said...

"National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is saying the U.S. ‘cannot assess’ a U.S. warship was targeted."

They know. the guys running those radars know.

That means the Chain of command knows and HQs at CENTCOM and the DoD also know.

Sullivan is lying or playing dumb.

Anonymous said...

the US will establish a taskforce! The Iranians are trembling with fear!

Anonymous said...

Jake the Snake lying through his slimy mouth.

Put his skinny useless leftist ass out on that destroyer and he'll sing a different tune.

What a collection of incompetents.

Anonymous said...

I know most of you would just lob a few cruise missiles into a marketplace and be satisfied that your ego has been restored, but if you actually want to prevent future attacks you need to hit the people who are actually doing it. It can take time to determine that. These drones are flung into the air with makeshift slingshots in the middle of nowhere and then the attackers disperse into the mountains.

Blah blah blah, call me pedo fred now. It's the only response you've got when your first kneejerk reactions are called into question.

Anonymous said...

so you admit you are a pedo?!!

Ron said...

You folks need to have patience. Before a western government reacts, they have to have a meeting. all gubments have lots of meetings. In America it takes time because you have to have the right makeup. A man in a dress, a gay dude, a lesbian, a fat pink haired woman, an illegal alien, and several different races. equity comes first. When Sullivan can gather the right people, he will need to get an okay from the Federal HR and then they can come up with a plan.

Anonymous said...

The Mexican gays win again.

Anonymous said...

"Sullivan is lying or playing dumb."

Sullivan is like Blinken. He is a weasel.

Blinken is the one who circulated the letter for people to sign declaring that Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation. Blinken was working for the Biden campaign at the time. He was rewarded with a plum job and a fancy title.

Anonymous said...

macho men react and then have more beers.

Matthew Putnam said...


We know its the Houthis. Not a person out there is contesting that. We know that the Houthi's can only attack on this level if they are financially and materially enabled by Iran. The Democrat Biden administration is the weakest, most open ended and corrupt presidency in the history of this country, and they have "released" billions to Iran because democrat cunt froth reasoning and foreign policy propensities. Money is fungible, something democrats cannot understand in foreign policy...Iran or Hamas etc.

Now to address your Child Pred Fred Lapides comment:

Yes. You used the images and well being of children and young adults to attract pedophiles like yourself to your websites years ago. You were also a professional useless "professor" in an industry designed to take advantage of young useful idiots to support your income and the establishment that "employed" you. No doubt you also gave passing grades to the young and impressionable girls who took a knee to you during "office hours" as we have heard countless times and that there is extensive testimony to. You are a pedophilic kid fucker and a intellectual moist kleenex at best.

You took on the "Anon" label to try and escape who you are like the little girly bitch fag coward you have always been.



Anonymous said...

Something bg happened skods!!!

ZMAN canceled his speech to US senators. Something is afoot. better check on this one!! Everybody knows zman is all about the money.

Ukraine Will be defeated.

RussInSoCal said...

/Looks like even Biden can't ignore these attacks.

#Israel \uD83C\uDDEE\uD83C\uDDF1 / #Yemen \uD83C\uDDFE\uD83C\uDDEA
Initial reports of massive Explosions in Sanaa, Yemen. pic.twitter.com/r5PxfyJ8Vb

Artanis (@Artanis04) December 5, 2023

Airstrikes in Sanaa Yemen can be seen and heard being conducted by Unknown Aircraft could this be the start of a larger military campaign bookmark for updates below \uD83D\uDC47 pic.twitter.com/uAEjcueGWD

Liberty_Sean (@sharland57753) December 5, 2023

A Military Operation appears to be underway against Houthi Positions in and around the Yemeni Capital City of Sanaa, as Airstrikes can be seen and heard being conducted by Unknown Aircraft. pic.twitter.com/bnWA0BRdqm

OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) December 5, 2023

Anonymous said...


thanks for the heads up!!

Anonymous said...
