Monday, December 25, 2023

Pentagon's Operation Prosperity Guardian Against Yemen's Houthis "Falls Apart" As Spain, Italy, France Reject Washington's Request To Join

gCaptain/Reuters: Spain, Italy, France Decline US Command Of Red Sea Operation Prosperity Guardian 

The United States is assembling a multinational naval coalition to help safeguard commercial traffic from attacks by Yemen’s Houthi movement. On Thursday, the Pentagon said more than 20 countries had now agreed to participate in the group, known as Operation Prosperity Guardian. 

Some countries have not confirmed their participation, however, while others have said their efforts to help protect Red Sea commercial traffic will be as part of existing naval agreements rather than the new U.S.-led operation. 

The lack of details and clarity over what countries are doing has added to confusion for shipping companies, some of which have been re-routing vessels away from the area after the attacks, which the Houthis say are a response to Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Cracks Form In New Naval Coalition, Drone Strikes Spread To Indian Ocean (Warzone/The Drive)  

Update #2: Pentagon's Operation Prosperity Guardian "Falls Apart" As Spain, Italy, France Reject Request (Zero Hedge)  

WNU Editor: I live in Canada. Canada has agreed to join this coalition. Ottawa's contribution will be to send three naval officers (yes .... three sailors) to assist .... Canada to participate in United States-led Operation PROSPERITY GUARDIAN (Government of Canada).


Anonymous said...

Thinking of that merchant marine!

Anonymous said...

what a joke, What branch were the officers? Equal opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion and a HR officer??

Anonymous said...

Due to defence cuts Canada will send 3 officers, a row boat & a shotgun.

Anonymous said...

Should of called it: Operation Yemeni Parking Lot

Anonymous said...

In the meantime, Chinese ships are sailing through the Red sea without any problems.

Anonymous said...

Canada to send a gay, a lesbian and a queer.

Anonymous said...

It has NOT fallen apart , they just will not put themselves under U.S control , but will still patrol and engage

Anonymous said...

Sec Def announced this as a 20 nation combined operation under a unified command system.

That main premise is now discredited.

Anonymous said...

True, but that's political theatre, for practical purposes it serves little difference

Anonymous said...

Remember when we had this big mythos surrounding us? Everyone was frightened of what we could do, and everything went our way because of it.

The people who rushed to overextend us in yet another "forever war" will deny that anything of consequence was lost in Ukraine; it was Ukrainians doing the dying after all. They'll hope you just forget that our credibility died in Donetsk as well.

Anonymous said...

Well said