Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Reports Say US President Biden Is Contemplating Launching Air Strikes Against Houthi Sites In Yemen

In a televised speech on Wednesday, Abdel-Malek al-Houthi said that his militants would not stand by if the US 'commit foolishness by targeting our country' © Provided by The Telegraph  

Daily Mail: Biden weighs up direct military strikes against Houthi sites in Yemen to avoid the $2million cost per shot of bringing down the rebel group's attack drones in bid to protect trade routes through the Red Sea 

 * The Pentagon is keeping its cards close to its chest amid reports that officials have offered Biden an option for direct military strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen, which could result in a stand off with Iran 

The Biden administration could be looking at another strategy in its battle with the Houthi rebels in Yemen a step further after it emerged that the cost of shooting down one of the group's drones over the Red Sea is around $2 million. 

Earlier this week, the Pentagon announced a ten country coalition that would serve as a deterrent against terror attacks by the Houthis in the Red Sea corridor. 

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced the pact - which also includes the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain - early Tuesday in Bahrain.  

Read more .... 

 WNU Editor: Yemen's Houthis are warning that they will retaliate if they are attacked .... Houthi leader threatens to attack US warships if Washington targets Yemen (Reuters). More here .... U.S. Troops Warned of Imminent Attack (Newsweek), and here .... Houthi rebels vow to attack US warships if Red Sea conflict escalates (The Telegraph).  

Update: The Houthis are showing the reach of their drones (see map below).


RussInSoCal said...

If the US does strike Houthi launch sites, Biden risks annoying his Iranian masters.

/betcha the target packages will be forwarded to Iran 48 hours prior (for approval)

Anonymous said...

The houtis already tried that lol

Anonymous said...

yep. sure Russ. you know. Well, you can run your mouth in any case.

Anonymous said...

Russ's bunker has a hotline to the Pentagon to inform them of what he reads
on the internets.

He is not a crackpot.

Anonymous said...

yes, but you are

Anonymous said...

I really hope that nothing beautiful is destroyed.

Matthew Putnam said...

6:47, 7:05

Who are you, and what do you know about anything? Another "crackpot" bot running its mouth with no value added.

Anonymous farts in the wind seeking purpose.

Anonymous said...

MP is Russ butt boy

Matthew Putnam said...


And you are a democrat commie party deepthroater on here all the time just wasting you life away trolling because you are bored and lack purpose. I cant imagine how you think you come off well. Perhaps that why you cower behind an anonymous name. Just one of Child Pred Fred Lapides yapping lapdogs.

Koshi lil bitch boi hiding behind a keyboard.


Anonymous said...

well said Putzman!
did your mailman write that for you?

Matthew Putnam said...


More anonymous throat noises from the partisan whore behind the alley.

Good she/her/it.


Anonymous said...

Kill’em All