Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Republicans Not On Board With President Biden's Military Aid Package For Ukraine


The Guardian: Zelenskiy struggles to get US Republicans to back $61bn Ukraine military aid package  

Republicans want Democrats to agree to crackdown on immigration in return for supporting funds 

Volodymyr Zelenskiy has struggled to persuade US Republicans to support a $61bn military aid package for Ukraine on a trip to Washington DC, with objectors insisting on White House concessions on border security as a condition for a deal. 

The Ukrainian president addressed members of the Senate in a closed 90-minute meeting on Tuesday morning, but afterwards key Republicans repeated that they wanted to see a crackdown on immigration between the US and Mexico in return for supporting the package.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The rhetoric from some Republicans have been brutal .... Zelensky’s visit ‘disgraceful’ – US senator (RT). 

Update: This failure by Ukrainian President Zelensky to gain support from Republicans for aid is now resonating in Ukraine .... Ukraine faces a daunting winter after Zelensky can’t convince Republicans to move quickly on new aid (CNN). One of my Ukrainian cousins who supports Zelensky told me this morning that she is now accepting the depressing fact that the US is reaching its limits to providing aid to Ukraine. 

 Republicans Not On Board With President Biden's Military Aid Package For Ukraine  

Zelenskyy appears to strike out in quest for additional Ukraine aid from Washington -- National Post/AP  

Zelensky Doesn’t Appear to Convince Republicans on Ukraine Aid During Congress Visit -- Time  

Republicans Sideline Zelensky With Border Demands, Imperiling Aid Package -- New York Times  

Johnson on Ukraine deal: ‘National security begins at our own borders’ -- The Hill 

Republicans say Zelensky visit won’t change GOP demands on immigration -- CNN


Anonymous said...

Biden gave Afghanistan away to terrorists in the name of peace, and ending the climate of foreign wars, then entered into two brand new ones.

Biden is incapable of making any decisive moves. Just throws money at the problem lots of it.

Anonymous said...

Biden has opened our Borders during an economic downturn and that's another massive problem we have to pay for.

Anonymous said...

While paying for all of the above the Ameican citizen also has to pay for inflated fuel. That's bidenomics.

Anonymous said...

They probably pat less for fuel in a Russia. The target of western sanctions designed to cripple that state.