Monday, December 11, 2023

Russia Targets Kyiv With Ballistic Missiles


Business Insider: The huge missile barrage on Ukraine that Russia has been saving up for seems to have begun 

* Analysts have long said Russia was keeping missiles and bombs in reserve for winter. 

* Winter is here — and a Russian barrage has begun right on cue. 

* The UK MOD said Russia's heavy bomber fleet has been active. 

Its target is likely Ukraine's energy network. Russia appears to have started a major bombing campaign on Ukraine after holding back for months to build its stockpiles. 

The UK Ministry of Defence said on Sunday that a cruise missile attack last Thursday was "probably the start of a more concerted campaign by Russia aimed at degrading Ukraine's energy infrastructure." 

The missiles "were highly likely AS-23a KODIAK," Russia's premier air-launched cruise missile, the MOD said. "Russia has almost certainly been stockpiling these missiles for use in the winter campaign," it said.

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Russia Targets Kyiv With Ballistic Missiles  

Russia targets Kyiv with ballistic missiles as fears increase of attacks on energy infrastructure -- AP  

As Zelensky Heads to Washington, Russia Targets Kyiv With Missiles -- NYTimes  

Russia attacks Kyiv with ballistic missiles, four wounded - Ukraine -- Reuters  

Ukraine says it shot down eight Russian missiles bound for Kyiv -- France 24


Anonymous said...

Just as bad if not worse than Israel

Anonymous said...

sent putin a letter telling him to copy Israeli tactics.

18000 to 100

That is one hell of a kill ratio. about 180 to 1

Anonymous said...

Much worse than israel

Ron said...

Russia is experiencing a severe record breaking winter this fall, again. They are probably mad that the Ukrainians aren't freezing yet like they are so they are turning off the heat. even out the misery.

Anonymous said...

Russia is a major energy producer Ron. We’re not that stupid around here Ron. Keep coping Ron.

Anonymous said...

lol not

Anonymous said...

I think they are going to up the pressure for the work ahead

Anonymous said...

The sucky part about it is that winter is just starting.
The worst part is between Jan 15th and February 15th.

20-30 below zero stuck out in the open is absolutely miserable. truly mind numbing.

If you have never been forced to be continuously out in that kind of environment for an extended period of time. , do it some time. It causes people to "see the elephant". You will understand why.