Friday, December 1, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War News Updates -- December 1, 2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: A lot of updates today.


Anonymous said...

Russian soldiers shot two unarmed Ukrainian POWs that surrendered near Stepove. The Ukrainian soldiers were reportedly left without ammunition and had to surrender, once the second soldier came out, they decided to shoot them both.

Never forget what Ukraine is fighting against.

Fucking Russian War Criminals

or just

Fucking Russians

Means the same thing

Anonymous said...

As Russia spirals into self genocide, every level of society is readying become wormfood in Ukraine.

Komsomol isn't just for kids anymore.

Komsomol for grown up morons

Anonymous said...

"... found a can of stewed meat, diluted it with water from the Dnipro and drank it for a week not to starve to death."

More Russian soldiers revealed details of life on the front line in the Kherson direction. They say that Russian defense ministry has abandoned them, there is no documentary evidence that they are at war, nor is there any provision. From food and medicines to uniforms, they bought it all at their own expense.

The command prefers to leave the wounded to rot rather than issue evacuation orders. No officers are at the positions, the soldiers are sent to slaughter.

And yet, no thoughts of getting out of Ukraine and refusing to participate in the war.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Given the explosions caused by the Security Service of Ukraine on 30 November and 1 December 2023, it seems likely that the tunnel and the bypass are at least temporarily unusable. As of 1 December 2023, it has not been published if and for how long the tunnel and the bypass will be unavailable.

Pipelines are next fuckers.

Moscow will freeze

Anonymous said...

Russians once again COMMITTED A WAR CRIME - near Stepove, Donetsk region, two Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered as prisoners were shot

Russians entered the positions of the Ukrainian soldiers of 45th Separate Rifle Battalion in Avdiivka direction.

Soldiers were forced to surrender due to a lack of ammunition.

Anonymous said...

Two Ukraine soldiers who surrendered as prisoners were shot near Stepove by Ruszia Soldiers

Anonymous said...

Personal videos of a Russian soldier recording the looting of Ukrainian houses in the Zaliznyi Port, Kherson region.
Russian was identified: Sergey Eltsov from Murmansk born in 1990.

RUSSIANS: Liars, murderers, rapists and thieves

Anonymous said...


Of course the Russians are all scum and you fail to mention incompetent boobs and feeble minded.

That is why the ukies are beating the hell out of them and took Crimea last week!!

Wait? That's right, the Ukraine is losing, and had to go on the defence. What does that mean when they cannot beat the incompetent ruskies?

Well I guess the ukies are even more incompetent and inept as the Russians. God knows they lie a lot more.

Skods. Sorry to tell this rate.

Ukraine will be defeated

Anonymous said...

1:32 is mad Sergey Eltsov got pinched.

10:32 learned everything he knows art Sergey Eltsov's knee

Anonymous said...


You are way out there.
But it won't stop the inevitable

Ukraine will be defeated

Anonymous said...

Hey skods there ain't no 10:32

You sure you are not hitting the ole scrumpy again with fazzy?

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

Lol one went under the pretence of being a super power with a 5 to 1 advantage, yet they haven't won...not losing does not equate to winning .

Anonymous said...

Oh yes it does equate to winning , genius, You are just too blind or stupid to see it.


When you control about 25% of your enemy's territory. You have also broken that country to the point that it is entirely funded by a foreign state. It has no viable industry. It has no viable Air Force.

Also there are about 500,000 to a million enemy soldiers dead. And many more than that wounded.

It being so bad, that the enemy is forced to press-gang old men and women into its army as primary fighters into that army.

Therefore , considering all that. I would say the Russians are winning.

And now back to you and your gang of Ukie rah rahs for idiotic pithy remarks in support Thug Life..