Monday, December 4, 2023

Russia - Ukraine War News Updates -- December 4, 2023 (Videos)


WNU Editor: A lot of updates today. 

The Military Summary channel's top video is a must see. The commentator is summarizing what I have been hearing from Ukraine for the past month. Ukraine is asking the U.S. that it needs $350 billion in military aid to be successful, 17 million artillery shells, and God only knows what else. If not. Ukraien will need to capitulate by next year.


Anonymous said...

As expected, The Ukrainians are slowly being defeated.

17 million artillery shells...not going to happen.

300-400 billion more in funding, not going to happen.

what is going to happen?

Ukrainians will be pushed back , maybe all the way to Galicia.

Zelinski tightens his hold. There will be a move against him. We will see if he survives it.

Ron said...

Governments are so intransigent because the policy makers and enforcers aren't suffering like their citizens, and they are usually getting rich. I think Ukraine should take Hamas's approach to war. Meet with Russia, without the US or UK or Germany, and get a ceasefire/peace. Then go about rebuilding your country while you infiltrate, plan, scheme, lie all the while you prepare to take that country back. This takes time and therefore patience. Don't know if the Ukrainians are capable of that. They all want yachts

Anonymous said...

Partisan war will be Russia's worst nightmare

Anonymous said...

Technically it’s Russia taking back parts of its historical territory from Ukraine.

Hans Persson said...

It seems, after the latest developments, none of this matters...

Anonymous said...

It really does not. In the end, the outcome will be that same. The Russians will win and dictate the terms to the Ukies.

Anonymous said...

They say history does not repeat itself , but it does rhyme.

if you look at a time line of where are elites are culturally and in their group think..the parallels are similar.....


General Wrangel (a Tsarist officer and commander) wrote in his memoirs how, after serving during WW1, he came to St Petersburg just at the point that the Bolsheviks were wreaking havoc with the discipline of the Imperial Army’s (‘his army’). Chaos in the streets, but to the affluent of the City, life continued as if some ‘normal’ could be enjoyed, in comfortable co-existence to the revolution out on the streets. He describes attending a cinema, with the audience clearly oblivious to the anarchy beyond the theatre.

Flabbergasted, the general hastened from St Petersburg to warn the Tsar of approaching catastrophe. However, on arrival at the Court, Wrangel was shocked to see that 80% of the Romanov women, most of whom he knew, were wearing a red ribbon. Their ribbons testified to sympathy for the very forces who later would murder these Romanov women.

Today, our élites too, sport a ribbon – not red, but a Rainbow one.


Hans Persson said...

About history.. If the news is fake, what is then history.

Mr Nobody said...

usually the truth comes out over time.

And history is a matter of who writes it.

If you have a post modernist, you get garbage. It is all about "interpretation"

It you have a writer who follows the ideas and philosophy of Ranke, then you probably are getting a large dose of reality.

Anonymous said...

Media: Nepal appeals to Russia to stop army recruitment of its citizens.

Nepal has urged Russia to stop recruiting its citizens into the Russian army, after six Nepalis were confirmed killed fighting in Ukraine, the Kathmandu Post reported on Dec. 5.

Anonymous said...


All the foreign volunteers AKA Mercenaries have just about left the Ukraine. They see that the government is hopelessly corrupt, the war is lost and they have no desire to die for nothing.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian government has stooped to the lowest levels of degenerate behavior. As zelinski and his band of thugs wine and dine, their minions pressgang young innocent kids out of orphanages to fight.