Friday, December 8, 2023

Starlink Successfully Completes Nine Months Of U.S. Air Force Tests In The Arctic

Credit: SpaceX  

Bloomberg: Elon Musk's Starlink Successfully Completes US Air Force Tests in Arctic 

SpaceX’s Starlink satellite service successfully completed nine months of US military tests in the Arctic, potentially clearing the way for owner Elon Musk to deepen his ties with the Pentagon in a region of growing strategic competition. 

The previously undisclosed testing found that StarLink to be a “reliable and high-performance communications system in the Arctic, including on-the-move applications,” Brian Beal, principal engineer with the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Integrated Capabilities Directorate, said in a statement to Bloomberg News.  

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Starlink Successfully Completes Nine Months Of U.S. Air Force Tests In The Arctic

'Good News': SpaceX's Starlink Service Clears US Military Tests -- Sputnik 

Starlink completes 9 months of military tests in the Arctic -- Teslarati  

SpaceX Starlink Excels in Arctic Military Trials -- Drive Tesla


Anonymous said...

He now has powerful allies in the government.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Internet works in the cold. How many millions spent to learn that? More than I want to know

copley7 said...

7:13 PM- It's actually pretty severe. Thule Greenland operates in 100 mph plus winds, and the 5th highest wind ever recorded was on Thule. The terrain up there is bad and cold.

The lowest temp was -93 degrees Fahrenheit.

That's bad in my book!