Saturday, December 9, 2023

U.S. And NATO Continue To Struggle To Supply Artillery Shells To Ukraine

Ukrainian artillery fires towards the frontline during heavy fighting amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, near Bakhmut, Ukraine, April 13, 2023. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach © REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach  

Business Insider: A Ukrainian soldier says he stopped shelling small Russian units because he is running out of US-made artillery ammo 

* A Ukrainian soldier says he stopped shelling small Russian units, per The Times of London. 

* Sergeant Taras "Fizruk" told the newspaper his unit is running out of US-made artillery shells. 

* The US and NATO have struggled to keep pace with Ukraine's use of ammunition. 

A Ukrainian soldier said he stopped shelling small Russian units because his brigade was running out of US-provided artillery ammunition, per The Times of London. 

"When it's two or three soldiers, I'm not shooting any more; only when it's a critical situation, say, ten guys close to our infantry, we will work," Sergeant Taras "Fizruk" told the newspaper. 

The 31-year-old mortar gunner said that he and his comrades from the 47th Mechanized Brigade "had ten times more ammunition over the summer." per the newspaper.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I have been reading reports like the one above since September on how dire the ammo and equipment shortage is for the Ukraine Army on the front-lines. Especially the shortage of artillery pieces and shells. But this is the wish list that Kyiv wants from Washington .... Ukraine's ambitious US weapons wish list includes F-18 Hornet fighter jets, Apache helicopters, and giant transport planes (Business Insider).


Anonymous said...

NATO promised to increase capacity to one million shells per year. They came up with 300k.

Zaluzhny asked the US for 17 million shells and $400 billion.

At current (increased) production of 300k shells a year, 17M shells represents half a century of 24/7 American shell output.

Crimea 2075.

Anonymous said...

155mm on a handful of troops near his position?, no wo der they're short. . Mortars and grenade launchers have plenty of ammo.

Ron said...

we are spending billions of dollars on green energy projects/boondoggles and providing housing and money for millions of illegal immigrants. Biden will blame Republicans for not voting for more aid, but Biden is not placing a priority on putting US manufacturing on a war footing. Too many lunatics in his party think we control the climate.

Think about this. manmade GW scientist say humans add 3% of all CO2 added to the atmosphere each year. The USA's share is 15%. .03 X .15=.0045 of all CO2 added to the atmosphere each year by the USA. Thats not very much. I live in Kali. we have 12% of the USA population. .12 X .0045=.00054. Really. Newsome and Biden are going to destroy our energy sector and economy because Californians add .00054 of all CO2 added to the atmosphere. There are 40 million Californians. I am one of them. .00054 divided by 40 million is .0000000000135. Thats what i add to the yearly release of CO2 to the atmosphere. and for this, the lunatics declare an emergency, blame guys like me and ignore all other needs of the nation and bankrupt us. shheeesh.

Anonymous said...

@ Ron

I do not know when they considered or put it into their models, but probably in the last 10 years they have been considering exposed rock and how that affects climate.

Every time Mother Earth pushes up a mountain range or pushes one higher more rock surfaces get exposed and chemically reacts with the air altering the balance.

We are talking about a lot of surface area. How do you compete with whole continents?

But somehow Democrats can.


Weathering of Rocks Can Release Carbon Dioxide - Eos

I would bet Hansen an the others did not include weathering rock in the models around the time of the RIO climate conference in 1992.

Anonymous said...

"Really. Newsome and Biden are going to destroy our energy sector"

They are going to do more than that.

Democrats will destroy everyone's kitchen, home and life.

OOPS! Fossil Fuel Banning Governor Gretchen Whitmer Posts Video of Herself Cooking on Her GAS STOVE

Some how what Democrats preach does not affect them personally.

Why does Gretchen Whitmer have a gas stove?

I have an electric. Why? I am afraid of stove fires. Also, a flat stove source easier to clean, IMHO. The drawback is when your neighbors use a lot of electricity cooking times go out the window. Thing is I had a choice. I weighed 3 factors and had freedom to choose. Democrats want to take that away, all the while exempting themselves from their religion.

Democrats are pure evil.