Sunday, December 10, 2023

UN Agency Says Half Of Gaza's Population Is Starving


BBC: Israel-Gaza war: Half of Gaza's population is starving, warns UN 

A senior UN aid official has warned that half of Gaza's population is starving, as fighting there continues. 

Carl Skau, deputy director of the UN World Food Programme, said only a fraction of supplies needed have been able to enter the Strip - and nine out of 10 people cannot eat everyday. 

Conditions in Gaza have made deliveries "almost impossible", Mr Skau said. Israel says it must continue air strikes on Gaza to eliminate Hamas and bring Israeli hostages home. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: UN says 85% of Gaza residents have been displaced (see video below).


 Half Of Gaza's Population Is Starving 

Gaza health system collapsing, half the people are starving: UN -- Politico  

Agencies warn of ‘apocalyptic’ situation in southern Gaza as half of population go hungry -- The Telegraph  

Palestinians in Gaza at risk of starvation, aid groups warn -- The Hill  

World Food Programme official describes conditions in Gaza -- CNN  

Gaza: After two months of war, women last to eat and children first to die -- CARE


RussInSoCal said...

Well, to be better 'intellectually' equipped to digest all these reports, and then conclude that they are factual, I must first receive my Masters degree in Political Science from Harvard. Or UPenn. Or USC. Or Cal State Fullerton, etc... //



Anonymous said...

Murdering kids is what America is all about.

It's a great to make friends and influence people.

Anonymous said...

it couldn't happen to nicer people, right?

Anonymous said...

gaza fools traped like rats