Wednesday, December 6, 2023

U.S. Announces $175 Million New Weapons Aid For Ukraine. Blinken Warns It May Be Last Unless Congress Acts

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. © Sputnik / Ramil Sitdikov  

Kyiv Independent: Blinken announces 'one of last' defense aid packages 'unless Congress passes' further funding 

The U.S. announced on Dec. 6 a $175 million defense aid package for Ukraine from previously directed drawdowns, in what Secretary of State Antony Blinken said would be one of the last military aid packages to Ukraine if Congress fails to pass additional funding. 

U.S. President Joe Biden urged Congress to pass a Ukraine aid bill on Dec. 6, saying that failing to support the country would be a "gift" for Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

"Unless Congress acts to pass the president’s national security supplemental funding request, this will be one of the last security assistance packages we can provide to Ukraine," Blinken said in a statement.  

Read more .... 

 U.S. Announces $175 Million New Weapons Aid For Ukraine  

US announces new weapons aid for Ukraine as Congress is stalled on more funding -- AP

US commits $175 million in fresh security assistance for Ukraine -- Euramaidan  

Missiles for HIMARS and more: U.S. announces new military aid package for Ukraine -- RBC Ukraine  

Blinken Unveils $175Mln in Ukraine Military Aid, Warns It May Be Last Unless Congress Acts -- Sputnik


Anonymous said...

All the president and Blinky the Clown have to do is to take Missiles, IFVs and tanks about to be demiled and ship them to Ukraine. There would be a cost savings to the government. Blinky is a liar, but he kisses butt with the best of them.

Blinky is also a traitor. He engaged in sedition he is the one who originated the 51 current and former intel officials say memo.

"Mike Morell, a former acting CIA director under President Barack Obama, said in a recent transcribed interview with congressional investigators that, prior to his Oct. 17 phone call with Blinken, he had no intention to write the Oct. 19 Hunter Biden laptop letter. He testified “yes” and “absolutely” when asked if the call with Blinken, who was then a top adviser for Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, was what “triggered that intent in you.” - MSN

Anonymous said...

Joe Bbiden is a traitor, pure and simple

У вітчизняних ЗМІ та соціальних мережах розповсюджується інформація, ніби США безкоштовно передали Марокко 500 одиниць БМП "Бредлі". Я спробував розібратись у цій ситуації, і ймовірно, ця інформація не відповідає дійсності. Ось що я знайшов:

Згідно зі звітом до Конгресу Сполучених Штатів, США дійсно передали Марокко 500 одиниць техніки. Проте, загальна вартість цих 500 "військових транспортних засобів", переданих Марокко в рамках програми "Зайвого Військового Майна" (EDA), становить 10 мільйонів доларів.

Вартість визначається як історична вартість транспортних засобів мінус їхній знос вартості з часом. Якщо 500 "військових транспортних засобів" - це Бредлі, це означає, що кожен Бредлі вартує 20 тисяч доларів. Така цифра сумнівна, і для впевненості необхідно провести перевірку.

Цю вартість можна порівняти із вартістю попередньої передачі БМП Бредлі в рамках цієї ж програми EDA. У 2020 році було прийнято рішення передати 120 Бредлі Хорватії. Загальна вартість цієї передачі становила 16 мільйонів доларів, що означає, що кожен Бредлі вартує 133 тисячі доларів за цією програмою. Це свідчить про те, що 500 "військових транспортних засобів", переданих Марокко, не є Бредлі, якщо, звісно, залишені в інвентарі США "Бредлі" втратили 85% своєї вартості за два роки.

Також кореспондент в Пентагоні від "Голосу Америки" Остап Яриш (
) вказав, що немає жодної інформації від Пентагону, а першоджерело цієї інформації - арабський сайт Defense Arabia, про який взагалі не чули його колеги, що спеціалізуються на цьому регіоні.

Враховуючи, що немає інших офіційних джерел, які вказували на таку передачу, ймовірно, відбувся інформаційний вкид.

Окрема подяка пану
, який допоміг розібратись у складній системі передачі озброєнь.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the US is tired seeing all the lambos and porsches in the posh European suburbs driving past with ukrainian numberplates and it suddenly dawned on them if the money they send had actually been used for the war effort well maybe it would of made a difference by now

Anonymous said...

"Maybe the US is tired seeing all the lambos and porsches in the posh European suburbs driving past with ukrainian numberplates "

Get pictures you lying faggot. More than just a handful Enough t not be anecdotal
otherwise crawl back in bed with putin and suck him off

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is accused of buying two luxury yachts in October with Western aid money and this is the head of the fish imagine the rest of the stink pooooof...........

Anonymous said...

everyone chill the F out.....
the ukraine bill did not pass today (SHOCKED) not.
as i stated 2 weeks ago, the bill will not pass in its current form... too many poison pills in it (bidens border demands).

bills like this nearly NEVER pass first try.
now it will go to the house and senate to be reworked...
deals will be made, the bill will be made better...

threats, lies, and more threats will not help, the admin has over 5 billion in cash, and another 20 billion or so in the DOD budget he can move around (he has already started doing that with unfunded aid to gaza)... only the admin coming to the table will help get this over the line faster... this like it or not has to be a give and take...

MOST people int he USA done even know the war is still going on.. but they see other issues that HAVE to be fixed.. and by biden putting border money in this bill he started the negation on this.

i hope that the aid for ukraine in this bill is larger (republicans gave more than ask in the first 2 bills) after its reworked with more money for weapons and less for BS that was in it (gaza, west bank, money to NYC, US used money, etc). this needs to be a weapons bill not a jobs bill in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

So no pictures are forthcoming. Run to your nipple Russian. Putin may get angry having to unzip again.

Anonymous said...

"just shut up, you have no idea what the hell you are talking about. im sick of shit like this... im in the GOP... so am i a collaborator for putin????

the GOP has been in charge of the house for a while now, and every aid bill to ukraine has passed.. so if what you were saying is true then none of the bills would have passed.... yes there are idiots in the GOP, like there are idiots in the dem party... both on the far ends...

remember that not long ago the dems blocked all lethal aid to ukraine.... for YEARS!!!! if they didnt ukraine would have had F16s and modern gear years ago."

So Democrats blocked F16s years ago before the invasion. Because they are faggots.

Anonymous said...

Biden is a mother fucker.

People who vote for Biden are mother fuckers.

people are saying its the republicans that put the border issue in the bill.... it was not.
biden put a poison pill of border crossing funding in the bill with no enforcement and more money to speed undocumented crossers into the USA.