Friday, December 15, 2023

U.S. Congress Approves Bill Blocking Any President From Unilaterally Withdrawing From NATO

A provision in the just-passed $886 billion defense bill won't allow U.S. presidents - including former President Donald Trump should he win reelection - from unilaterally pulling the country out of NATO, as Trump has threatened  

Daily Mail: Trump will be BLOCKED from pulling U.S. out of NATO in second term after Congress passes bill to stop any future president leaving key military alliance without Senate approval 

* A provision in the National Defense Authorization Act would bar former President Donald Trump from pulling the U.S. out of NATO 

* Republican Sen. Marco Rubio and Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine tucked the language into the just-passed $886 billion defense bill 

* Trump has discussed, if reelected next year, pulling the U.S. out of NATO because he believes allies aren't ponying up enough defense dollars 

A provision tucked in the National Defense Authorization Act would bar former President Donald Trump from unilaterally pulling the U.S. out of NATO, should he be reelected next fall. 

A bipartisan team of Republican Sen. Marco Rubio and Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine inserted the provision in the $886 billion defense bill, which passed the House of Representatives on Thursday. 

The Senate passed its version Wednesday evening and President Joe Biden is expected to sign the bill into law.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Congress approves bill barring any president from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO (The Hill)  

Update #2: Congress just effectively handcuffed Trump from ever leaving NATO (Business Insider)  

WNU Editor: Yup. It is all about Trump .... Protect NATO from Donald Trump? The U.S. Congress just passed that into law (CBC).


Anonymous said...

this bill is unconstitutional. Foreign policy is under the executive branch of government. I do hope President Trump will remove the USA from NATO.

Anonymous said...

Rubio actually did something meaningful shocking

Ron said...

10:36, NATO stands for North Atlantic TREATY Organization and the senate has to approve Treaties by a 2/3 majority. I want out of NATO and the UN but I think the bill is redundant. The Constituion already requires it.

Where I might be wrong is, is there a difference between pulling out of a treaty and entering one. That I do not know.

Anonymous said...

lto pull out of NATO id yo bner pro Putin!
we all know that. not paying enough? ask them for more. You do not simply pull out to placate Putin.

Anonymous said...

Trump wants to pull out of Putin or vice versa, and now the top secret files involving Russia missing (today's news) that Trump had.