Monday, December 4, 2023

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Says Israel Is About To Face A Strategic Defeat If Civilian Lives Are Not Protected

Politico: Israel needs to protect civilians or risk ‘strategic failure’ in Gaza  

The warning comes as the Biden administration increases pressure on Israel to keep Palestinians safe. 

SIMI VALLEY, California — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin offered a stark public warning to Israel on Saturday, saying the government there risks “strategic defeat” in Gaza if it doesn’t do more to protect civilians.

The comments came a day after the breakdown in negotiations over hostage and prisoner releases led to the resumption of the Israel-Hamas war. Austin told an audience at the Reagan National Defense Forum that if Israel doesn’t do everything possible to protect civilians, it might help “drive [Palestinians] into the arms of the enemy,” and would “replace a tactical victory with a strategic defeat.”  

Read more .... 

 WNU Editor: Reaction to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's remarks has been swift .... Lindsey Graham slams Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for warning Israel faces 'strategic defeat' against Hamas because of civilian casualties in Gaza (Daily Mail). 

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Says Israel Is About To Face A Strategic Defeat If Civilian Lives Are Not Protected  

Israel risks ‘strategic defeat’ if civilians aren’t protected, Pentagon chief says -- The Hill  

Defense Secretary Says Israel Risks ‘Strategic Defeat’ If Civilian Lives Not Protected -- Huffington Post  

US defense chief says Israel will only win in Gaza if civilians are protected -- Times of Israel  

Israel Could Face 'Strategic Defeat': Pentagon Chief Unleashes Controversy With Rare Warning -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

I have no comment at this time.

Alex said...

Kinda late for damage control...

Anonymous said...

criticize the jews? His career is over

Anonymous said...

If the war escalates to where the US armed firces are deployed , put Lindsey Graham & that Psychopathic Groucho Marx clone John Bolton in the US infantry & send them in with the 1st wave. They love war so much they can show the rest of us how it's done.

Anonymous said...

Anyone in Israel care in the slightest about U.S. elections? Didn't think so.

Anonymous said...

Ask Hamas 'From The River To The Sea' Is A Call For The Destruction Of Israel And Killing Jews

Anonymous said...

Once again Austin proves why he is the affirmative-action Sec of Defense. He did not get his position because of his brains, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

above: what do you find in his statement that is an indication that the man is brainless?

Anonymous said...

Little known fact: what’s said in Simi stays in Simi except in

Anonymous said...

If the US wanted to reign in Israel that time has passed.If it ever existed to begin with.

Hans Persson said...

The Israelis sure know how to flush out the tunnels: