Sunday, December 10, 2023

U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser Jonathan Finer Says Western Aid To Ukraine Will Force Russia To Negotiate By The End Of 2024


 New Voice of Ukraine: US hopes that Ukraine aid will force Russia to negotiate by end of 2024 — official 

 Sustained Western aid to Ukraine will compel Russia to negotiate on terms favorable to Kyiv by the end of 2024, U.S. Deputy National Security Adviser Jonathan Finer said on Dec. 8. 

"We want to position Ukraine in such a way by the end of next year that Russia will have to decide whether to come to the negotiating table with conditions acceptable to Ukraine..., or confront a stronger Ukraine," Finer said at the Aspen Security Forum, quoted by Interfax-Ukraine.

Finer believes that a more robust industrial base in the United States and Europe, which will enhance the capabilities of both the U.S. and Ukrainian military industries, will help power a new counteroffensive.  

Read more ....  

Update: U.S. expects Ukraine-Russia negotiations on favorable terms by end of 2024 (RBC Ukraine)  

WNU Editor: The U.S. has already poured tens of billions into Ukraine and it did not forced Russia to the negotiating table. That is why I am skeptical that an additional transfer of weapons and monies to Kyiv is going to force the Kremlin to the negotiating table.


Anonymous said...

They just want to keep the party going
Party is over
And these assholes should be immediately arrested and trialed

Anonymous said...

😂 pretty sure the Russians can handle the waves of teenage girls and pensioners who have three to four weeks of training. We just love living in our little fantasy bubbles here in the west, don’t we.

Anonymous said...

You just described Russian conscripts

Anonymous said...


RussInSoCal said...

I'll wager that Finer has a degree from Harvard (or similar ivy league garbage) and at least one of his parents had/has a high-up position in the State Dept.

Hans Persson said...

Maybe there is something else going on that we all have missed with this war..

Anonymous said...

it'a a conspiracy i tell you!!!!

Anonymous said...

especially since Ukraine seems to be running out of men to use those weapons, if indeed the west will continue to send more

Anonymous said...

I believe all the experts here...they offer so much verification fore their assertions. Thanks, ladies.

Mr Nobody said...

Finer is a dangerous moron. Typical of pundits and commentators who have never seen a combat zone. He is another Kaufman or Krystal in the making.

The US and NATO provided the Ukrainians with a force of 9 fully equipped and trained brigades to conduct this summer's offensive. Do you realize that is larger than the majority of European armies that now exist?

As seen, that offensive failed and the Ukrainians are yet to recover if they ever will.

I have said this many times. What the Ukrainians need is "overmatch"

From the past performance of the West, These people have no concept of how to fulfill that requirement.

These types of individuals do the Obama thing, they brief well, say all the right things and in the end, you are left with nothing or a system that is critically flawed.

Fine's Dangerous platitudes will not increase the Ukrainians chances of victory or even maintaining the territory they now occupy.

Anonymous said...

Well said Mr Nobody!

Mr Nobody said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Odessa Dumskaya: The fight for the left bank of the Dnieper: when wasting people in battalions is a crime

"But now the case is special, and we can no longer remain silent. Left bank of the Dnieper. Two or three bridgeheads created by the Ukrainian marines. How does this happen? The sailors cross the river using improvised means, and most are killed as they approach the shore. Those who survived and crossed over will be ironed with everything that is in the Russian arsenal. The wounded are not taken out from there. People are just constantly thrown across the river - wave after wave.

There is no talk of any further breakthrough; now forces and resources are being wasted simply on staying there. For what?"

It's been a long time since Ukrainian newspapers allowed such direct criticism of the war effort. Basically since march 20 2022.

Ron said...

These status quo, new worlders will say anything and then their media acolytes amplify and echo the statements. Why not. there are still people driving around in cars by themselves wearing masks......proudly.

Anonymous said...
