Wednesday, December 27, 2023

US Government Officials Say 2024 Will Be At A Record Low In U.S. Military Recruitment


WAVY: U.S. military sees record breaking low recruitment numbers  

(WAVY) — 2024 will be at a record low in U.S. military recruitment, said government officials. 

The New Year will be the smallest active duty force since 1940. 

 The Department of Defense (DOD) says military services missed recruiting goals by 41,000 during the 2023 fiscal year. 

The shortfall hits the Army, Navy, and Air Force. However, the Marine Corps and Space Force meets it’s recruiting goals. 

Officials want young people to enlist. The DOD reports that only 23% of young people between 17 and 24 qualify to join the military, but even fewer have interest in joining.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Pentagon is optimistic that this recruiting crisis will not last .... After Tough Year, Military Recruiting Is Looking Up (US Department of Defense).  

Update: This Army vet has a good explanation .... The US military grapples with a recruiting crisis. One Army vet says he knows why (FOX News).  

Update #2: The New Atlas gives his take below: 


Anonymous said...

I'd blame the gays but the military is one of the most homoerotic institutions
that exists.

That and cops, lotta sassy cops on the beat.

Anonymous said...

Go Woke, Go broke.

Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

What 637 said
They went woke
The purged patriots (calling them terrorists)
They raised the LGBTQ flag in many forts

This is an attack on your national security
You are being indoctrinated to follow the LGBTQ movement - a movement tightly associated with paedophilia and sexual abuse of children.

All to prepare you for the blow Epstein will bring to your so called "leadership" (read: demons)

Ron said...

let me get this straight. our strategic oil reserve is now well under 20 days, we have given away much of our reserve weapons/ammo/missiles ect and do not have the ability to manufacture at a break even rate and our forces are under manned with low morale. With all of that, a majority of Americans and pundits believe a black swan event is around the corner in 2024. Have you had enough of college educated people running things in this country?

If the pentagon is optimistic about the future it is probably because they believe Trump will get elected or the college grads setting economic policy in this country are going to break the economy soon and youngsters will join so they can eat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Check out Odins men on YouTube, a good In The nutshell channel of everything wrong with the military these days.

Anonymous said...

lol yep
Usually it’s because these piss-ants are socially incapable of expressing less-than-optimism or other-than-success in everyday speech.
But maybe Don has become their secret savior as well.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He’s an ex marine that shows plenty of tik tok videos made by modern “soldiers” and gives insight . As an ex soldier myself who served between 2003-2009, the differences are incredible. Our Army is so screwed on so many levels. I Phone one was just making the scene at the end of my service.

Anonymous said...

This is only possible through treason among key people - including in the white house and the pentagon.

This treason, once completely uncovered and understood will call for capital punishment, incl. death penalty. For sure. It is outright treason to subvert your culture, security, economy and on and on.

They know this.
We know this.
That's what 24 and 25 are about.

They will either face firing squads or make us face firing barrages - ie war, to distract and potentially avoid their just punishment

Anonymous said...

so much bullshit posted as comments. There is always a direct link between numbers signing up for the military and the overall state of the economy and job availability and pay for jobs. Bad job market? join up. Good job market? ignore the military as an option.

Mr Nobody said...


Yes that was the traditional model, was it not?

That was before the wokism infected the culture.

That was when former military and families would encourage young men to join the military.

Not now, now they tell them to stay the hell out. They tell kids it is a sinking ship.

What you say was good info 10 or 20 years ago. It was good info for the 50 years before that.

Now there are other factors involved.

Wokisim has disaffected the prime recruiting pool of the military for the last 70 years...southern white males.

Like Bud Light, most have those guys have moved on.

Anonymous said...

above is mere speculation based on personal beliefs: my comment stands up if you do some research.
edxample: i have no job cannot find decent one. My mother tells me do not join the army. they give you medical, clothing, housing, education, decent pay, retirement. But do not join they are woke! that is nonsense.

Mr Nobody said...

This is not "mere" speculation. Being former military i hear this all the time from vets. I have also seen this reported on other news sources and military sources.

Also, look at recruiting numbers by state/region. It is an interesting trend.
And not joining the military? Because the military is woke, is not nonsense.

The military is not just another job, you have to change your whole life style.

Your comparison of relating it to any other form of employment is a false analogy.

You probably never served. Therefore you do not understand that: Once you join, You have to live with this shit 24/7, 365 days per year. there is no escape until you get out.

You want to be in an organization that does not have the same values as you? And forces you to adopt their values that ......

constantly re-enforces that the promulgation and support of Christianity, being white and heterosexuality is bad?

If the military was what it is today, 20 years ago I and many that i served with would have never joined. We would have rather shoveled shit in a horse stable.

This is what happens when you abandon your traditions.

In our society, you get to choose who you associate with and if you do not like the people who work at the job site you do not apply for that job.

We did not abandon the military, the military abanndoned us.

Ron said...

The economy argument has some merit but those folks joined for the wrong reason. when things get tough they do not think it was a good idea. When I joined in '75 the Viet Nam war was still going but coming to an abrupt end. The military was not popular amongst the young hippies and college kids. I joined because I wanted to do my patriotic chore. There was no money in it back then. almost everyone I served with joined as a sense of duty. The Marine Corp in the mid 70's was a home for many different folks but particularly devout Christians. It is not their home anymore.

Anonymous said...

Devout Christians join the Marines to kill? Christ loves that.
ps: it is a mistake to assume because one has not served he is not able to make comments on the service. One can argue economics and jobs without an enlistment. That said: I served not once but twice.

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's defer on foreign policy to the crayon eaters.

Anonymous said...

I liked the old military before woke etc. We had no women. We did not mix Black soldiers with white. We had standards till things changed. I liked it so much in the past that i stayed in and got retirement. Not like some dudes here, in and out and then bitching about how bad it got without them.

Anonymous said...


Yep YOU CAN COMMENT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT. That is your right as an American.

But like anything else. Unless you have experience IN THAT AREA, MANY TIMES YOU DO NOT Know WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT


Because you have no idea how the system operates or what the reality of the situation is.

BTW 129 is full of crap and must be a troll. He would have been 17 in 1947 one year before the army was integrated. He would be over 93 years old now.