Wednesday, December 13, 2023

U.S. Intelligence Says Russia Has Lost Almost 90% Of The Personnel It Had When The War Began


Reuters: U.S. intelligence assesses Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 casualties -source 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -A declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops, or nearly 90% of the personnel it had when the conflict began, a source familiar with the intelligence said on Tuesday. 

The report also assessed that Moscow's losses in personnel and armored vehicles to Ukraine's military have set back Russia’s military modernization by 18 years, the source said. 

The Russian embassy referred a request for comment to the Russian defense ministry in Moscow. The ministry did not respond to requests for comment. 

Russian officials have said Western estimates of Russian death tolls in the war are vastly exaggerated and almost always underestimate Ukrainian losses, which Russian officials say are vast.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: If this US intelligence report stating that Russia has lost almost 90% of the personnel it had when the war began was correct, the Russian Army would have collapsed this summer during Ukraine's counteroffensive and the war would have been over by now.  

Update: This U.S. intelligence report is also making claims on recent Russian losses .... Russia has lost 13K soldiers since October, declassified US assessment reports (The Hill). More here .... 3,000 Russian Casualties For Every Square Mile Captured Near Avdiivka (Forbes). 

U.S. Intelligence Says Russia Has Lost Almost 90% Of The Personnel It Had When The War Began  

Russia has lost 87% of troops it had prior to start of Ukraine war, according to US intelligence assessment -- CNN  

U.S. Intel Says 315K Russian Casualties in Ukraine – Congress Source -- Moscow Times/AFP  

315,000 Russian Troops Have Been Killed Or Injured In Ukraine, U.S. Says—Far More Than Russia Claims -- Forbes  

Russia's paying a 'severe cost' in thousands of casualties for its new attacks and has so far gotten nothing in return, US says -- Business Insider  

Reuters: US intelligence reports Russia has lost 90% of original pre-invasion force in Ukraine -- Kyiv Independent


Anonymous said...

They probably count each rotation as a “death.”

Mr Nobody said...

It is an attempt to bolster the success of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in order to substantiate the amount of money that has been already spent and more money that they want appropriated in new funding measures.

Every report we have seen and all the data that has come out. Nothing substantiates this report.

It looks like they got this fro Ukrainian intelligence and with not effort to verify it , they reported it as true.

Good for them. But who will believe it? Certainly not anyone who is familiar with the Steele Dosser and the Afghanistan " we are winning" debacle.

Time will tell on this . Wait a couple years after the conflict is over. the truth will eventually come out.

Maybe the WEST intelligence agencies are running an intervention info operation. and are doing this because the real Ukrainian loss numbers are about to be revealed.

And if this numbers are extreamly higher that the official numbers (as suspected), then they can say that the Russians suffered just as bad , or at least make it look like the kill ratio is not as bad, as lets say, the Russians only lost 100,000.

Remember no one know what the numbers are for sure. But we can assume that Ukrainian losses have been higher than the Russians due to the Ukrainians predilection to attack defensive positions without enough fire power. And of reports that graveyards are over flowing.

The ket point is you cannot believe these guys any more, they have become illegitimate due to their consistency in lying to the public and blatant falsehoods.

Anonymous said...

Considering Russia has continued to draw upon its own population and force-enlisted dissidents, criminals, opposition politicians, I'd say the casualty rate is high. 90% high? That seems too much, but it's definitely excessive to what Russia officially declares.

This was a disastrous war by Russia that they had always intended to win by May-June in a short period when they initially began hostilities. Russia is paying dearly for Putin's massive miscalculation, a miscalculation that won't get reported on pro-Kremlin blog sites like this one.

*Sips tea and waits for the Putler white knights*

Anonymous said...

'Sips tea' wow someone actually used that expression unironically. How lame can you possibly be to use that expression seriously?Either you're 55 and are trying to sound 'hip and down' with the kids or a 14 year old edgelord. Actually stable adults don't use such expressions. They're too smart.

Anonymous said...

Going to war was no miscalculation. The conduct of it, in the very beginning was.

Most people do not understand, even when plainly told, the SMO was started to destroy a deadly threat to the country. Modern pundits like to call this an "existential threat"

The thing is that the Russians believed that to fight was needed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Chemical Ali.

Anonymous said...

Bud, you aren't stable.

Ron said...

WNU, You know Reuters is just a mouthpiece for those trying to homogenize the world? I always look at the by line. Reuters, AP, never read past the headlines.

Anonymous said...

Easily triggered

Anonymous said...

Is there any wire service you prefer?

Anonymous said...

Goebels would be proud....They are carying on his methods to the T

rjmull said...

These figures are from the same goverments that counted people who died in car wrecks, fell off of roofs, or were in hospice already as covid deaths to inflate the numbers. They constantly lie to inflate the numbers in their direction.

Anonymous said...

Somewhere between a third to half of that is probably correct. 300,000 is a massive number. You can't hide 300,000 bodies or body parts.

Maybe it is the total KIA, WIA or missing, that's possible.