Thursday, December 7, 2023

U.S. National Security Spokesperson John Kirby Warns A Russian Victory In Ukraine Will Invite Aggression Against NATO


New Voice Of Ukraine: ‘If you think the price is high now’ – Kirby outlines price U.S. will pay if Ukraine loses war  

“America will not only spend money, but also shed its own blood,” if the U.S. doesn't assist Ukraine in its war against Russia and Russia prevails, said National Security spokesperson John Kirby during a briefing. 

Ukraine’s defeat will invite aggression against the eastern flank of NATO. The U.S. military will be compelled to enter the war in such a scenario, because the U.S. takes “very seriously” its commitments under Article 5 of the NATO treaty, which calls for a collective response to aggression against any member of the Alliance. 

 Read more ....  

Update: Big consequences if US 'pulls the plug' on Ukraine, Kirby says (Al Mayadeen)  

WNU Editor: It looks like U.S. National Security Spokesperson John Kirby is prepping the West for a possible war against Russia.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad FJB and the Obama crowd restored order to that nasty, dangerous world Donald Trump created.

Oh yeah, and Maduro's Venezuela is going to attack Guyana and nothing is said or done about it.

Good Job, and oh yeah, Ukraine's collapsing!

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, Russia is prepping Russia for a possible war against the West.

Anonymous said...

Kirby not prepp[ing for a war but trying to get Congress to pass bills for more aid to Ukraine instead of tacking on amendments etc about the border with Mexico.

ps: if things were ok under Trump it was simply because Trump would never do anything to upset Putin. Never. Not once.

Anonymous said...

When you are done wiping Putin's cum for your chin, you can refute the Business Insider article.

6 times the Trump administration actually was tough on Russia

1 Expelling diplomats
2 Sanctions
3 Closing of diplomatic facilities
4 Arms sale to Ukraine
5 Condemnation of nerve agent attack in the UK
6 Trump officials repeatedly criticize Moscow

Anonymous said...

Kirby is a liar.

And you all are falling into another propaganda trap, Just like covid, weapons of mass destruction etc etc... You fools Never do stop drinking the kool aid and then you wonder why things are screwed up or you are getting screwed over by your leadership.

Russia is not attacking Europe. The poles were probably payed to release this report by MI 6 or USAID. It comes from liars, whose only intent is to make money from you.

Anonymous said...

hey bud

you forgot to answer so I re copied it for you.

You are a joke who cannot make a decent argument , has no logic, and is a liar. you have no military experience and as one once said are a qualified dunce.
The corrupt turds running Ukie land will come to a bad end. From the weak structure of your argumentative skills , I would say the same goes for you. imbecile.

What happened hero? Your heros Biden and Bliken fail miserably and turn on you? The blobbers let you down? What a surprise. But servers you right for believing in those blood suckers.

keep on rambling.

Anonymous said...

So ass fcker Russian went from:

ps: if things were ok under Trump it was simply because Trump would never do anything to upset Putin. Never. Not once.


"President Donald Trump has an Achilles’ heel when it comes to Russia. Over the years, he’s made no secret that he has a soft spot for the country and its authoritarian leade:"

Fast backpeddling, but still lying your ass off as your retreat

Anonymous said...

Russian turds are desperate for men

DOUBLE CROSS: After sending immigrants to flood the border with Finland, Russia is now forcing some stranded foreign refugees into a military camp on the border with Ukraine-- and pressing them to join the RU military.

Everyone from Asia, Africa and the Middle East will know what Russia did to their men.

Reap assholes!

Anonymous said...


Nice bold lettering. Now if you could only make those words make sense or a coherent idea, when you string them together, you would be good to go.

I am sure that the Ukrainians also know what zelinski and friends did to their men. I think he will need to leave soon, or he may end up like old Benito.

I heard zelinski was going to Argentina for the inauguration? What a good way to spend money that you do not have, while your boys are being killed in mud holes In the freezing rain. Nice touch , eh skods?

But whocares, they are orphans and old men antway.

Better use of time to spend it looking for a new Villa in South America. They say land is cheap there right now.

Ukies will be defeated