Friday, December 1, 2023

US President Biden Jokes To Workers That He Has The Codes To Blow Up The World. Calls Trump A Congressman


Daily Mail: Joe Biden, 81, jokes he has a code to 'blow up the world' and appears to think Donald Trump is a congressman in gaffe-strewn visit to windmill factory 

* Biden was visiting world's biggest maker of wind turbines in Colorado 

* He joked about the 'nuclear football' carried by his military aide 

Joe Biden bragged that he had a 'code to blow up the world' as he chatted about nuclear weapons on a visit to the world's largest windmill factory. 

The president went on to mistakenly call his predecessor 'Congressman Trump' in a gaffe-strewn appearance. 

As he approached three yellow-vested workers at the facility in Colorado one of them appeared to ask the president an inaudible question. 

Biden responded: 'Now look, my, my marine carries that. It has a code to blow up the world. That doesn't, this is not....nuclear weapons is it....alright, think I'm kidding.'  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Biden jokes about nuclear football, calls Trump ‘congressman’ in gaffe-filled Colorado stop (NYPost)  

Update #2: Biden draws criticism for joking that he could ‘blow up the world’ (Washington Times)  

WNU Editor: It is incidences like this one that I sometimes feel we are near the end of times. On the same topic on having the codes to blow-up the world .... REVEALED: Biden's 'nuclear football' contains BOOK that tells president how to launch attack by contacting 'Looking Glass' plane and spherical bunker where four keys ignite missiles (Daily Mail)


Anonymous said...

No big deal. Biden (pronounced bee-dey) is a Democrat, so it is okay. He told a funny. Get over it already!

B@r@ck ()bama told a joke about droning Sasha's and Malia's boyfriends. Simply put, it is okay because B@r@ck is a Democrat.

But mean tweets are beyond the pale.

Fred or a Fred impersonator told me that it was okay that Bee-dey was senile since all the worker bees at the WH are not.

Anonymous said...

Biden calls Trump congressman. Trump calls Trump true president.

Anonymous said...

Hillary calls herself the true president. In the legal world, she conceded. Publicly on every TV show she goes on, she avers that it was stolen from her.

Prediction: Jack Smith with become AG of the US or part of SCOTUS.

He has put the work-in on mass surveillance.

An air marshal's wife is literally followed by other air marshals, whenever she flies. She was in Washington on January 6th. She was not at or in the capitol building.

It is the result of Jack Smith or others that it happens.

When something bad happens that the marshals should have caught, remember it is Jack Smith's fault.