Monday, December 18, 2023

U.S. President Biden Said To Be Increasingly Frustrated By Dismal Poll Numbers

Biden said to be increasingly frustrated by dismal poll numbers © Sarah Silbiger for The Washington Post 

Washington Post: Biden said to be increasingly frustrated by dismal poll numbers 

The night before President Biden departed Washington to celebrate Thanksgiving on Nantucket, Mass., he gathered his closest aides for a meeting in the White House residence. 

After pardoning a pair of turkeys, an annual White House tradition, Biden delivered some stern words for the small group assembled: His poll numbers were unacceptably low and he wanted to know what his team and his campaign were doing about it. He complained that his economic message had done little to move the ball, even as the economy was growing and unemployment was falling, according to people familiar with his comments, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation.  

Read more ....  

Update: Report: Joe Biden Complains He Is Losing to Donald Trump (Breitbart)  

WNU Editor: Biden's campaign team still feel confident .... The Alarming Calm of the Biden Campaign Inside reelection HQ, the president’s aides feel confident that the 2024 race is totally under control (NYMag). 

As to what is my take,

The cost of living is damaging the US President's support. The same situation exists in Canada where I live.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and his government are claiming the same thing .... the economy is growing/people are working/industries are being built. And to a certain degree they are right. But for most Americans/Canadians what we see food and general inflation, high interest rates, high mortgage rates, and wage increases that are not keeping pace.


Anonymous said...

Biden need not worry. The "swing states" for the 2024 election are all firmly in the hands of the Democrats, who will perform the same sort of election fraud they did in 2020: Dead people voting, paying a cash bounty for the votes of poor blacks, ballot harvesting at drop boxes, etc. The Democrats are the most corrupt party the nation has ever seen--

Anonymous said...

My rent in Calgary goes from 1450 to 1900 on Jan 1st. It’s like that all across the city. Next year it will be even worse. And I got a good deal for a two bed two bath. About one third the renters in my condo community has rent checks go straight to the office from the government. Subsidized living for the poor is killing the self earning middle class.

Anonymous said...

Either he gets picked by his pedo buddies again or he doesn't. Why pretend the polls mean anything.

Anonymous said...

Why can't Joe just commision his son to paint new polls?

Anonymous said...

Since the Democrats

Anonymous said...

I see