Saturday, December 9, 2023

U.S. Senate Intelligence Chair Mark Warner Says Putin Believes Ukraine Will Fall Within Just Months Without New US Aid

G7 summit leaders appear on a monitor during a video conference with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv on Dec. 6. (Ukrainian Presidential Press Service)  

Business Insider: Putin believes Ukraine will fall within just months without new US aid, says Senate Intelligence Chair 

* Senate Intelligence Chair Mark Warner said Putin believes that Ukraine will fall in just months. 

* Warner drew his assessment from US intelligence after senators blocked a $175 million aid package. 

* "Vladimir Putin's hopes for victory rest on the US walking away from Ukraine," he said. 

Senate Intelligence Chair Mark Warner said Vladimir Putin believes that Ukraine will fall within just months without renewed US military aid. 

Sen. Warner asked, "Why, at this moment in time, would we prove Putin right?" 

Warner made the statement on Wednesday after the Senate failed to hit the 60-vote threshold required to advance a new "crucial" military aid package to Ukraine. 

"Vladimir Putin's hopes for victory rest on the US walking away from Ukraine," Warner wrote.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I do not know where U.S. Senate Intelligence Chair Mark Warner gets his intelligence. But I do know in Russia the expectation is that even if the West stops providing aid to Ukraine in the coming weeks, there is more than enough weapons and ammo in Ukraine to keep the war going on for a very long time. 

As to what is my take. 

Ukraine does not have the manpower to continue the war and accomplish its goal of expelling Russian military forces out of Ukraine. This new US aid, which I believe will be approved by the US Congress, will only prolong the slaughter.  

Update: He is on a roll (for now) .... As Ukraine struggles with fickle allies, Vladimir Putin is on a roll (CBC News).


Anonymous said...

How is Russia going to reppopulate? There is a labor shortage already. Going to fill the void with more Muslim Turks from Central Asia? Are they going to keep Russian widows warm at night? Will the blogger prevent that horrible fate by sacrificing himself by keeping those widows warm?

3,278 Russian officers are dead.

338K Russians are dead.

3 times more than that wounded.

1 million Russian have left Russia. Most of them men to avoid the draft.

Russia is done 2 million men of draft age.

But the blogger beats the war drums, because he is safe. He is fat. He is old. Fill in the rest.

Anyways promotion is fast as an Russian officer. Approaching the sonic barrier it is.

Anonymous said...

EGAD, Lord Mildew was right!!

Warner can read Putin's mind and knows exactly what he thinks !!

Jolly Good!! Victory is at hand!

Anonymous said...

Yes 816

Russia is doomed , Horribly Doomed!!

Now we can all sit back and drink margaritas and congratulate ourselves for being superior in every way!! Our intellectual dominance and cultural superiority is beyond compare!

Anonymous said...

The videos of the Russian drugs addicts on the front line are a hoot.

So if every last Russian addicts to the front line to be used in meat assaults sand discarded, Russia will still have addicts. In fact more than before.

But you do you 8:21.

Putin is making great strides into turning Russia into a Muslim country where everyone prays toward the direction of Saudi Arabia 5 times a fay. And not one of you is a sayyid.

Anonymous said...

You could claim to be sayyid to have status, but there is DNA testing now ...

Anonymous said...

Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz sounds a lot like President Biden. And acts like him too.

He is old.
He is fat.
He is a socialist/Democrat.
He is a liar.

Anonymous said...

Russian passengers pray and children scream in terror as plane suffers sudden depressurisation and oxygen masks drop in country's third flight horror in three days

Anonymous said...

Yes send us some more happy Russian news , such as there : was rain in Siberia, or a dog chased a cat, or maybe the waitress dropped a plate of food.

you are pathetic.

Here ya go

in the USA

White male suicide has exploded.

the streets of san Fransisco are full of shit.

Most of the US large cities are crime ridden and dirty.

Joe cannot remember where he put his pudding.

school testing scores are in the toilet.

And what does all that Mean?

Absolutely nothing, because the world just keeps on turning.


in avdeevka the ukies are being turned In to ground hamburger

In Kherson The Ukie Marines are getting annihilated.
In Robotyne the ukies tried a counter attack and it failed.
Long before you could even think about it. The graveyards of . the Ukraine have been filling up to capacity with dead soldiers.
Since this fall, the ukies are now press-ganging the sick, lame and lazy into the army

The ukies are getting underage kids from orphanages to fight.'

this ukies are send in the populations of those from the country side when the liberal fag types in Kiev and Lviv have been exempt from the draft.

Most ukie army units look like group of guys from a retirement village in Poland.

zelinski owns two yachts worth over 75 million a piece.

But is does not mean a thing Skods,


Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...


Are we unhappy?

You were pulling for Joe and his buddies the whole time the war was going on. Now , well , I see you are not too happy with him?

Did we not try to tell you that this effort had about as much chance of success as a dead squirrel coming back to life?

Don't want to listen to the people that know, do you?

No , you would rather listen to the MSM and their pied piper lotus fantasy arguments.

Not to worry, the MSM will develop another stupid narrative and then you can believe them all over again.

And call us homos , traitors, Trolls or vatniks, when we post,

once again,

that they are wrong and lying to you


Anonymous said...

You do know they have a population of over 140 million right? They absorbed five million from the war and will have five million more when half of Ukraine is ceded permanently to the Russian federation. And it won’t be long before capable people and families start emigrating from the west to east when tyranny takes the next “election” in 2024. I and several others will be out of here, that’s for sure.

Anonymous said...

This is the endgame. Zelensky is sending Zaluzhnys best marines into a pointless grinder so that there are fewer loyal nationalists to resist when Kiev's "allies" move in to take their pieces of the western oblasts.

Anonymous said...

Not the answer you gave last week.

Consistency my man.