Saturday, December 9, 2023

U.S. State Department Approves Emergency Sale Of Tank Shells To Israel


Reuters: US skips congressional review to approve emergency sale of tank shells to Israel 

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The Biden administration has used an emergency authority to allow the sale of about 14,000 tank shells to Israel without congressional review, the Pentagon said on Saturday. 

The State Department on Friday used an Arms Export Control Act emergency declaration for the tank rounds worth $106.5 million for immediate delivery to Israel, the Pentagon said in a statement. 

The shells are part of a bigger sale that was first reported by Reuters on Friday that the Biden administration is asking the U.S. Congress to approve. 

The larger package is worth more than $500 million and includes 45,000 shells for Israel's Merkava tanks, regularly deployed in its offensive in Gaza, which has killed thousands of civilians.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: For the White House to bypass Congress and to quickly make this emergency sale tells me that the situation for the Israeli Army is more precarious than what they are telling us. 

 U.S. State Department Approves Emergency Sale Of Tank Shells To Israel  

The State Department approves the sale of tank ammunition to Israel in a deal that bypasses Congress -- AP  

State Department bypasses Congress to send thousands of munitions to Israel -- CNN  

US bypasses Congress to approve sale of tank shells to Israel -- Financial Times  

US skips congressional review for emergency sale of tank shells to Israel -- Al Jazeera  

US approves emergency sale of arms to Israel -- RT


Anonymous said...

Shoot up those ambulances you crazy zealots!

Don't forget the bakeries and schools!

RussInSoCal said...

8:44 PM

You really like spewing that bullshit, don't you. Let me school you on a couple things. An ambulance ceases being an ambulance with it's cargo is rockets and bombs. Similarly with mosques, and bakeries and schools. It took the US a few years to understand this in Iraq and AFG, but we learned. The Israelis are fighting fairly and righteously. Against an enemy that uses any Geneva Convention law of war against the signers.

So kindly shove your copious Hamas propaganda whinging up your ass.

Anonymous said...

Oh you mean the ambulances ferrying hamas commanders , and the bakeries housing militants ..yep, they're right on it

Anonymous said...

Well said , Captain Jihad needed the education.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Speaking of ass, are the air filters strong enough to clear the farts
out of your bunker?

RussInSoCal said...

/Bunkers (and tunnels) are bad. Just ask Hamas.

Raw Video Is Reportedly Seawater Flooding #Gaza Tunnels, #Hamas Fighter Records His Last Moments
#HamasMassacre #HamasislSIS #HamasTerrorists #tunnels #IsraelPalestineConflict

RussInSoCal said...



Anonymous said...

Hans Persson said...

Russ, I like you.

Anonymous said...

you are fighting in a city and the enemy has no tanks.

Question, why do you need tank shells ? Sounds like an excessive force issue to me.

Anonymous said...

I’m proud to have been a part of mosque destruction in Iraq. Those places are the houses of Satan after all.

Anonymous said...

How can the jews let Ukraine take all the money how dare Israel is always getting in trouble thinking big brother is going to help there small ideas we all know they walk into a trap they made them self's Israhell is literally stabbing them selfs in the chest .

Anonymous said...

A lot of bunkers , and hamas fighting from the rubble .

Anonymous said...

11:15 you must be with Al Qaeda. You must have blown up al-Askari mosque in 2006. You are reported.

Anonymous said...

Great then we can give him his long overdue medal of valour

Anonymous said...

russ and hans: gay couple

Anonymous said...

Russian soldiers demonstrate how to load an MLRS System the Soviet way.

It is really too bad that vatnik WNU is not a Russian artillery officer showing these boys how it is done.

As esteemed as WENU is, should he not have the honor of pressing the fire button?

Anonymous said...

A) Putin ADMITS he's a coward for attacking a smaller country with "no industry". All the talk about NATO expanding but he invaded a non-NATO country and bogged down.

B) If Ukraine is so weak, why is the second army in the world struggling so much? Losses already at x10 of Afghanistan with prospects of losing many times more than that.

Anonymous said...

10X Afghanistan casualties and Russia left Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Russian Logic

Anonymous said...

Avdiivka direction. Russian serviceman says their group of 70 has 14 people remaining alive. They're meant to be "closing the cauldron" as a gift for Putin's inauguration.

WNU rotten rat bastard argument: But we have more people

WNU is not one of the 56, who died for Putin's election.

Anonymous said...

No lives matter

Anonymous said...

Yes that is why the 53rd pulled out of Avdeevka and the 110th wants out too.

Idiot. The noose is tightening and the guys on the ground see it.

If you ever had some combat experience , you would know it is as plain as the nose on your face. The fundamentals are all against the ukies.

and why do the Russians fall back and then re-attack?


a. When the weather gets bad, they go back to the main line where there is shelter and leave the ukies to freeze in the newly captured no-mans land. >. The ruskies are not dumnb.

B. The second reason. All these areas in the no-mans land are pre targeted, so anyone out there is subject to death by artillery. So the russians are setting these guys up each time the russians retreat. It is called a meat grinder.

Too bad the ukies have so very little of artillery. They could do the same thing but their supplies are low..

But no, keep living in fantasy land with Jay from Kiev.

Anonymous said...

Gee skods

Would you look at this...... (from an earlier post)

Army Recognition: Morocco secretly gets US M1A2 SEPv3 tanks and Bradley IFVs

Voice of Europe: Morocco has received nearly three times more armored vehicles from the United States than allocated to Ukraine

"Ukrainians are shocked: Morocco received a new batch of Abrams M1A2 tanks from the United States and are waiting for a free delivery of 500 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, and they stole ��

Meanwhile, the US Army has 2,500 such SEPv3 tanks and 3,500 such infantry fighting vehicles in service (another 3,000 tanks and 2,000 infantry fighting vehicles are in storage), but Ukraine has been allocated ONLY 31 TANK (1%) and 190 infantry fighting vehicles (9%) - Morocco will immediately receive 25% of the infantry fighting vehicles from the reserve."

Isn't great skods!! You were not the only one who was lied to by the NEOCONS. I guess Morroco needed the weapons more than the Ukies did after losing 500,000 or more men.

really sick ain't it? Those guys in DC really know how to kick somebody in the teeth. That knife in the back must really be hurting right about now.

Time to come around and say you were wrong skods. No worries, we all make mistakes. But you do owe many people on this blog an apology for calling them trolls and vatniks an other vulgarities.

Ukraine will be defeated.

Anonymous said...

the use of that pejorative a full indication of misfit retarded asshole

Anonymous said...

Yes, Ukrainian units are getting hammered too. Never said they were not. WNU, you and your brethren or sock puppets only talk of 'ukie' casualties never Russian casualties.

WNU and yourself have made it quite plain that if you trade 1 Russian death for 1 Ukrainian death and end up with more land, you are quite happy. Miffed that it took so long or that you paid a price, but otherwise happy. You will sit down have a drink and relive the good old days.

Your butt was never on the line.

We shall see. You are missing an oil refinery. Be hard to move vehicles in the occupied territories.

Anonymous said...

11:48, you talk like Fred

Anonymous said...

1209. Skods

Unlike you, I think this whole war is crap and tried to tell you that the Ukes would be left holding the bag. You just keep defending the Neocon driven, deviant west and the ukies with your bud, jay from Kiev...

And yes skodies, old buddy I do not mention Russian casualties, because I do not have to, because you do . All the Time. Like it is going to somehow make a difference. How many Russians have died? lots.

How many Russians and Ukies have died? Too many.

And why did they all have to die skods????? When there was no conflict between them until 2014?

That's right skods, because Like your buddy mr nobody or the anonymous Blob master says. The blob deems it so.

The neocon section of the blob set this all up. See Skods? I read this stuff on the blog and pay attention. I have learned a lot here and if you would

"free your mind, your ass will follow"*

Instead skods, with you.......

"Hell is the impossibility of Reason"*

*. with apologies to Oliver Stone.........from the movie Platoon

still waiting for your plan of ukie victory SKODS...



Anonymous said...

it is not over till the fat lady takes a shit

Anonymous said...

if he says it often and all in CAPS he may convince himself

Anonymous said...

Thats ok Mr fair and balanced. Your slimy carcass will rot with purple hair. The gutless wonder you are, you will probably be hanged for antisocial acts of perversion.