Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Venezuelan President Maduro Has Ordered The Mobilization Of The Army While Announcing The Annexation Of Two-Thirds Of Guyana


El Pais: Venezuela-Guyana dispute: Maduro mobilizes the army and announces annexation of Essequibo 

Via a law announced Tuesday, Venezuela will create a new province or state in the disputed territory, having already appointed a single provisional authority: Major-General Alexis Rodríguez Cabello 

Two days after the referendum on Essequibo, a territory disputed between Venezuela and Guyana, the government of Nicolás Maduro is moving forward to try to enforce what was approved Sunday in a vote that registered almost no participation in the streets but which Chavismo hailed as a victory with 10.4 million voters, reawakening a crisis of credibility in the country’s electoral authorities. In a television appearance Tuesday, Maduro presented a new official map of Venezuela with Essequibo incorporated, without the disputed delimitation, during a Council of State in which he announced a series of measures and upcoming legislation to cement Caracas’ possession of the territory and its resources. Earlier, Maduro had sent a military contingent to Puerto Barima on the Venezuelan Atlantic border, close to the limits of the area under claim.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: In the past such a crisis would always result with the  U.S. President immediately issuing a direct warning to Caracas that a forced takeover/invasion of this region in Guyana will result in a US intervention. 

But no warnings or threats are coming from the White House today. No deployment of U.S. naval and other military resources. No assembling of allies in the Americas to thwart Maduro's annexation of Guyana. Basically .... no leadership from President Biden. 

I cannot say that I am surprised. Washington is in chaos right now trying to handle multiple crisis and conflicts. Venezuelan President Maduro knows this, and he is taking advantage of it.  

Update: The Venezuelan government has issues a new map (see below):

Venezuelan President Maduro Has Ordered The Mobilization Of The Army While Announcing The Annexation Of Two-Thirds Of Guyana  

Essequibo: Venezuela moves to claim Guyana-controlled region -- BBC  

Venezuela’s president orders creation of new state and map including land from Guyana -- CNN  

Venezuela orders oil drilling in Guyana-run territory -- Financial Times  

Guyana appeals to US and UN as Maduro advances annexation of territory -- The Guardian 

Venezuela adds disputed oil-rich region to its map -- RT  

Will Nicolás Maduro Invade Guyana? -- By Daniel Raisbeck, CATO Institute


Anonymous said...

President Obama wants this to happen. He has a soft spot for socialist Venezuela.

Biden might be "resident or shogun, but it matter naught. If you read deeper into Japanese history, you learn that the shogun was subservient to a office. that of the Shikken.

Shikken: Obama
Shogun: Biden

Obama loves socialists and Islam. In Venezuela there is both so it is a 2-fer for him.

Also Guyana was British Guyana and so had the word British in it and Obama HATES the Brits. 3-FER.

There are enough assets. Obama won't use them. Sullivan and Blinken are toadies.

Anonymous said...

👏 bravo. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Matt is not a crackpot.

He has a vibrant social life offline.

Anonymous said...

The US is in a very weak position right now....thanks to Dems and their pay to play schemes. 🤬

Anonymous said...

To be fair with war on the horizon with China wasting troops on Latin America is not an option. The math doesn't lie. Too few men too many places.

Anonymous said...

No, this does matter for us and we should have fully pulled out of Syria Iraq, avoided Ukraine entirely, in order to face this pertinent issue in our neighborhood.