Monday, December 4, 2023

Venezuelans Vote Overwhelmingly To Seize Guyana's Oil Rich Region


Reuters: Venezuelan voters reject ICJ jurisdiction over dispute with Guyana 

CARACAS (Reuters) - Voters in Venezuela rejected in a Sunday referendum the International Court of Justice's jurisdiction over the country's long-running territorial dispute with neighboring Guyana and backed the creation of a new state in the Esequibo region. 

The court has barred Venezuela from taking any action that would change the status quo in the area, but President Nicolas Maduro's government went ahead with a five-question "consultative" referendum. All questions passed with more than 95% approval, according the electoral authority.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Venezuelan President Maduro is unpredictable. I expect more countries (besides Canada) issuing travel warnings in the coming days/weeks .... Canada issues updated travel advisory for Guyana amid border dispute referendum in Venezuela (CTV News). 

Venezuelans Vote Overwhelmingly To Seize Guyana's Oil Rich Region  

Venezuela voters approve claim to oil-rich swath of Guyana -- Financial Times  

Venezuela's Maduro Holds Referendum Whether To Invade Oil-Rich Neighbor Guyana -- Hedge  

Venezuela holds referendum on oil-rich Guyana region: Four things to know -- Al Jazeera  

enezuelans approve takeover of oil-rich region of Guyana. What happens next? -- CNN


Anonymous said...

Joe needs his oil to refill the strategic stockpile. One way to get it without just appeasing Maduro would be yet another coup attempt. Stay tuned for that.

RussInSoCal said...

Hell Yeah. Moar War under Biden.

Anonymous said...


You ready for some serious overtime hours next year?

Anonymous said...

Maduro must really be in a bad way if he feels a war would focus the people’s attention away from his failings.

Anonymous said...

Its started.

Old Men,
and now kids
and orphans. ( no one to stand up for them). really sick.

Wonder how many of them the recruiters had to forged papers on to make the age requirements?

At the "Gaymadatskaya Sich" reserve training center, the first batch of 17-year-old orphans were trained, who were going to be used as
reservists in the rear areas of the Kharkov region.
• However, the teenagers soon found themselves among the militants of the 103rd Terrorist Defense Brigade under the leadership of Colonel Valery Kurko.
Yesterday in battles near the settlement
Novoselovskoe in the LP, 17-year-old "reservist* Vladimir
Romanovich Sachala died
This was reported by the director of the orphanage Olesya