Friday, December 22, 2023

"War In Ukraine" Quietly Scrubbed From Washington Post Masthead

Zero Hedge: And It's Gone: "War In Ukraine" Quietly Scrubbed From WaPo Masthead 

"It's over" - comments investigative journalist Kit Klarenberg after noticing that The Washington Post quietly deleted a prominent tab from its Masthead. 

What was a long featured "War in Ukraine" tab, which had been there from the start of the war going back to Feb. 2022 has disappeared... 

 An Internet Archive search and review of all Washington Post frontpages shows the tab was there throughout all of 2022. It was also present through most of 2023, until very recently.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I would say that international news coverage of the Russia - Ukraine war has decreased by about 80% since the start of the Israel - Hamas war 10 weeks ago.


Alex said...

In Chicago for the past year or so there were regular marches in support of Ukraine, along with numerous prominent buildings having blue and yellow lighting displayed on a nightly basis.

The past few months this has diminished. There are frequent marches in support or Palestine but nothing Ukraine related for a while now...notably, I no longer see blue and yellow lights anywhere. For the moment things are red and green for Christmas but this change happened prior to that. I've watched this pattern happen with other issues and you can tell that the general public has moved on and lost interest. Colleagues no longer talk about it either.

I'm fairly young still and have to wonder, how many more times in my life am I going to see US involvement in conflicts that are "essential to US security / global democracy" in one moment, then *poof* forgotten about despite tens or hundreds of thousands dead and nothing but question marks about the original premise of US involvement or the measure of success...(Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, what am I forgetting just in the last 30 years??)

Anonymous said...

conflicts that are "essential to US security / global democracy" in one moment, then..... gone

What does that tell you?

That all the propaganda and bs by the blob and msm were all lies.

The world is not ending. And Ukraine, like Afghanistan, has no strategic value for the US. To say it does is BS.

You can also say the same about Israel. If Israel disappeared from the earth tomorrow,. How much of an effect would that have on America's strategic posture?

None. As a matter of fact, the climate of risk and crisis would go down.

The people in power especially the neocons like Billy Krystal and the editor of the Atlantic are liars.

It is not without cause that Billy Krystal is known as:

"The man who has never been right."

Anonymous said...

Everyone please remember what happened here

1. They had a peace deal!!!
2. Boris Johnson then interrupted the peace deal on behalf of joe biden and promised the ukraine "we will back you to the hills"
3. Now the support is gone

Rememeber: Lie/Promise/Deceit and then abandonment.

NOW, Black Rock will come buy it all up.
Like in West Europe

It's a crime gang that does not care about death.
Hang them all.

Anonymous said...

And realize this: BlackRock will do this to -any- nation.

Anonymous said...

Peace deal?..ultimatum

Anonymous said...

Bzzzzz.. Please input punch-card so this unit can support the current thing. zzzap