Sunday, December 3, 2023

Will Israeli Intelligence And Military Leaders Be Held Accountable For Ignoring Intelligence Reports That Hamas Was Going To Attack On October 7th?

Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, Israel’s military intelligence chief, at a command bunker in Tel Aviv, on May 20, 2021. It has been obvious to Israelis since the opening hours of the Oct. 7 attack that the assault was the result, at... (Dan Balilty / The New York Times)  

Seattle Times/New York Times: Intelligence Errors Prompt Scrutiny of Israeli Generals, but Little Backlash 

JERUSALEM — Israel’s military leadership faced heightened public scrutiny this past week after a string of damaging revelations in the Israeli media and The New York Times suggested that senior officers had ignored or dismissed intelligence reports about the likelihood of a major Hamas attack. 

According to those reports, the Israeli military obtained a copy of a battle plan that Hamas ultimately used during its Oct. 7 attack on Israel, but officers wrongly judged that Hamas would be unable to carry it out. A commander also dismissed a subordinate’s warning in July that the group was running drills and building the capacity to set the plan in motion. 

The news raised expectations among political commentators that, after the war ends, senior military and security chiefs will either resign or be fired over the intelligence failures. 

Supporters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seized upon the reports, using the allegations of military failure to deflect from accusations that Netanyahu was partly to blame for what many Israelis consider the country’s worst security failure in 50 years.  

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WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. No one in Israel is going to be held accountable for the October 7 intelligence failure until after the war is over .... US and Israeli officials react to blockbuster report that Israel knew Hamas was planning attack (ABC News).


Anonymous said...

As long as the "leader of the free world" gives $billions and bombs to the Apartheid state, who cares.

Tail wags the dog, for whatever reason America allows this.

Anonymous said...

apartheid? when Arab-Israelis serve in Knesset, attend schools, etc it is hardly what you claim. More to the point: a poll showed that Arab-Israelis feel discrimination but much prefer to remain where they are with more education and better life than in arab nations.
do you call the "inner city" ghetto or what in your nation? In 1945, when WWII ended Blacks in military were segregated. When did strict segregation end in the South? know the year?
Apartheid! you are so advanced in but a very few years almost.

Anonymous said...

an easy guess indeed when it was announced that full investigation would not happen till war ended.

Anonymous said...

All the Israeli papers announced at the start of the war that blame would not be fully investigated etc till after the war. What the outcome will be is of course unknown, except for the wise commenters here. It does seem that Bibi is in trouble now for the attack that took place and also his legal issues, which begin this monday. Even his supporters are turning on him.

Anonymous said...

Like 9/11 and pearl harbour, they knew but let it happen to justify a much wanted war. Like I said, in relative terms, Russia has become the default good guys of the world and a safe haven for straight white Christians. I’m not allowed to say merry Christmas in Walmart anymore without worrying about hate crime charges.