Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Ethiopia-Somaliland Port Deal Makes Waves In Horn Of Africa

BBC: Ethiopia-Somaliland deal makes waves in Horn of Africa 

The defence minister of the self-declared republic of Somaliland has become the latest casualty of the row over a controversial agreement that is causing ructions in the Horn of Africa. 

Abdiqani Mohamoud Ateye resigned saying that cabinet ministers should have been consulted over a deal that Somaliland struck with Ethiopia that could see it leasing part of its coastline to its landlocked neighbour. 

Somalia - which considers Somaliland to be part of its territory - reacted angrily to the 1 January deal, calling it an act of aggression. 

 Both the US and the African Union have backed the territorial integrity of Somalia and urged all parties to cool tensions.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Not everyone is on board in Somaliland on this deal .... Somaliland’s defense minister resigns over deal to give Ethiopia access to the region’s coastline (AP). 

Ethiopia-Somaliland Port Deal Makes Waves In Horn Of Africa  

Somaliland Deal to Grant Ethiopia Red Sea Access Draws Condemnation -- New York Times  

Somalia dismisses Ethiopia-Somaliland coastline deal, says it compromises sovereignty -- AP  

Somalia ‘nullifies’ port agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland -- The Guardian  

Somalia calls Ethiopia-Somaliland agreement act of aggression -- BBC  

Ethiopia-Somaliland army chiefs meet amid regional tensions -- BBC 

Somaliland shakes up the Horn of Africa -- GZero  

Why is Somalia so angry about Ethiopia’s new Red Sea port deal? -- Al Jazeera


Anonymous said...

Refreshing to see cooler heads prevail.

Anonymous said...

Ethiopia is a strong, Jewish country that should have taken these 3 pieces of rubbish a long time ago. I am in favor of military aid for Ethiopia to invade these 3 countries and then partner with Israel and Arabia Saudi in port trade, soon we would tighten and pressure Yemen and then Iran, there seems to be a lack of strategy and reality from the USA and Israel, Ethiopia today is the best Mediterranean iceberg