Saturday, January 6, 2024

Opposition To The Draft In Ukraine Is Growing


AFP: As losses mount, Ukrainians fiercely debate future of draft 

After an initial outpouring of patriotism in the months after Russia's invasion began, the realities of the battlefield -- and mobilisation -- have largely set in among Ukraine's population. 

Heavy casualties and almost two years of grinding trench warfare have sparked a fierce debate on the future of the draft, an ever more pertinent topic as the army struggles to fill its ranks. 

President Volodymyr Zelensky warned last month the military wanted to mobilise up to half a million people to battle the 600,000 or so Russian soldiers deployed in Ukraine.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The beginning of the above video illustrates the lengths that Ukraine is now implementing to bolster its army. I know from my own sources in Ukraine that opposition to the draft and this forced mobilization is overwhelming. It is not surprising that Russian media is exploiting this dissension .... Ukraine’s top general asks politicians to fight – media (RT).


Hans Persson said...

Polititians should. 110% agree. If they want to fight wars, let them be the first in. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

"After 2 years of mocking the Russian commanders for being right on the frontlines with their troops and dying with them, it's time to force our own leaders to do the same!"

Pffft, what's next? The "cope cages" that everyone derided the Russians for using get their mea culpa moment? Yeah right...

Ukraine will need to add additional armor on Abrams tanks such as "cope" cages and reactive armor blocks for it to be battle ready- Forbes

Well damn..

Anonymous said...



This is the theme of the book Starship Troopers. by Robert Heinlein.

the book was such a threat to the liberal establishment that a progressive bought the rights to the book to make the movie.

He then "purposely " made the movie into a farce of the book in order to de-legitimize the book concepts.

But the concept of 'EVERYBODY FIGHTS' and Those who vote for war are the first ones in, makes all the sense in the world.

Anonymous said...

What sickos.

So , in the middle of winter, they left a young mom out in the middle of no where with her little child,

And they have no way they get home.

Sick bastards..

And this is what her husband is supposed to go off and fight for?

The ukies really do need a revolution to get rid of these creeps.

Anonymous said...

Those creeps are called Nazis BTW. And that’s who we’re funding.

Hans Persson said...


Change your record, its broken.

Hans Persson said...


I kinda liked the movie when it came out, as just a cool action movie. I'm glad I didnt read the book first. Had no idea about the backstory, thank you :)