Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Lloyd Austin Fallout Is Growing


Politico: The Lloyd Austin fallout is growing: ‘Someone’s head has to roll’  

The defense chief is facing criticism for keeping his bosses in the dark. 

At a White House meeting last week, Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser, noticed that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was absent. A top Pentagon official, Sasha Baker, was there in his place. 

There was nothing obviously unsettling about this. Austin was scheduled to work from home and lower-level aides often sit in for their boss. 

But what neither Sullivan nor Baker knew at that moment was that Austin was already hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, with complications from an undisclosed surgical procedure. 

 Days later, Austin’s secret hospitalization has spiraled into a drama engulfing the upper echelons of the Biden administration. Senior White House officials are struggling to answer questions about who knew what, and when, about the former general’s medical emergency. Criticism is pouring in from Congress and the media.

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The US Defense Secretary is in damage control .... US defense secretary says he takes ‘full responsibility’ for secret hospitalisation (The Guardian). More here .... US: Austin pledges better transparency after hospitalization (DW).

You would think that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's security detail would have sent out the alarm that he was going to be hospitalized. But apparently they did not. Someone had to make that decision, and that person should be held accountable.  

Update: The Republicans see an opportunity .... GOP senators outraged over 'shocking breakdown' related to Defense Sec Lloyd Austin's secret hospitalization (FOX News). More here .... Pence calls defense secretary’s undisclosed hospitalization a ‘dereliction of duty’ (The Hill). 

The Lloyd Austin Fallout Is Growing  

Defense Secretary Austin faces intense scrutiny after not notifying Biden of his hospitalization for days -- CNN  

Defense Secretary Austin secrecy on hospitalization stirs outrage, calls for Biden to provide facts -- USA Today  

Senior Biden leaders and Pentagon officials unaware for days that defense secretary was hospitalized -- AP  

Lloyd Austin at the ICU: A Symptom of a More Serious Malady -- John F. Di Leo, American Interest


Anonymous said...

Trillions in debt but nobody could find the emperor's favorite puppet for a couple of days!!

Anonymous said...

this is not good. It shows a lack of trust at best, at worst it is a lack of competence.
maybe the DoD saw this as"no big deal'. it was a minor surgery.

And normally they are right, it is not a big deal and the finer points of his scheduled absence were all worked out.

But not letting the boss know you are out of pocket, is bad ju ju.

especially when working with nuclear weapons.

ever worked around them.? Then you know....both the chain of custody and command and control is on call 24/7 365. This also goes for all high alert forces such as the 75th and delta.

Austin being out of the loop is a non starter.

Anonymous said...

Watching the Media rip the U.S. apart is the worst part. Maybe he should have informed his bosses, which I am sure he did but why make a big deal out of it. We have bigger problems; runaway judges and states affecting elections, masses coming in from the S. Border - Ugh 😩.

Anonymous said...

1. Austin very private person and said nothing for some time.
2. Austin now says it was his fault for not notifying others.
3. case closed.

Anonymous said...

No, case not closed.

Anonymous said...

134. that is a former general officer and knows protocol for mission essential personal who are on call 24/7. This administration is a chaotic clown show.

Anonymous said...

clown show? Fat Former Frump tried to overturn the election and still bullshitar he won and you talk about clown shows? the deranged former guy is a liar, indicted for 90 somerthings charges!

Anonymous said...

you keep drinking that progressive kool aide and living in a fantasy land.

If you cannot see thru the bullshit you just posted, you truly are blind.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That's the problem

Anonymous said...

Inducted but never seen a cell , what does that tell you?

Anonymous said...

There's no problem.

Anonymous said...

4:14 PM sounds like pedo Fred