Wednesday, January 3, 2024

U.S. And Allies Deliver An Ultimatum To The Houthis: Stop Ship Attacks or Face Consequences


Wall Street Journal: U.S., Allies Give Houthis Ultimatum: Stop Ship Attacks or Face Consequences 

WASHINGTON—The U.S., Britain and key allies issued what officials described as a final warning to the Houthi Yemeni rebel group Wednesday to cease its attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea or bear the consequences. 

 “Ongoing Houthi attacks in the Red Sea are illegal, unacceptable, and profoundly destabilizing,” says the statement issued by more than a dozen nations. 

“The Houthis will bear the responsibility of the consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, and free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways.”

The U.S. military has prepared options to strike the Iran-backed rebel group, U.S. officials say.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The Houthis are not going to comply.

 U.S. And Allies Deliver An Ultimatum To The Houthis  

US Warns Houthis to Cease Attacks on Red Sea Vessels or Face Potential Military Action -- AP  

Houthis warned against new attacks on shipping -- BBC  

US warns Houthis to cease attacks on Red Sea vessels or face potential military action -- The Independent  

UK warns Houthi rebels to end attacks on Red Sea container ships immediately -- Evening Standard


Anonymous said...

Obama drew a red line in Syria and did nothing.

Will Obama do anything, when this new red line is crossed?

The Houthis might scale back and wait 3 months. Then they will use the smallest pin prick. maybe a small drone bumps against a a ships hull and scorches the paint.

Is an air strike or missile strike in retaliation proportionate many in the Hallelujah liberal chorus will ask? Besides proportionality if there is amm8issile strike the Houthis will display children real or otherwise, who were killed in the strike. Real, because the Houthi missile forces were in a residential area or fake because the Houthis and their Iranian overlords the Bidenites have on a multi billion dollar cash diet know how to manipulate the liberal press. The Houthis already have the kids to die picked out in even of a missile or air strike.

The smallest of drone strikes will send insurance rates sky rocketing. Any retribution for the smallest of drone strikes will cause outrage in liberal academia and the liberal press, because the liberals have indoctrinated each other for decades upon decades now.

Shipping companies will reroute from the Suez to the Cape of Good Hope to avoid high admiralty insurance rates and thus burn more bunker C.

Residual Fuel Oil No. 6 (a.k.a. Bunker C) -

Do not the Bidenites care about the environment?

Also without canal revenue the Egyptian government will suffer. this will create instability. Anyone want the Egyptian government to fall and a possible war?

Face it, Blinken Sullivan meat-cicle prop guy Biden nor Obama have the guts.

Anonymous said...

"The largest operators in Kazakhstan are stopping the broadcast of Russian state news and information television channels.

The Kazakhs understand that after Ukraine, the Russians can go to war against them, squeeze out Baikonur, find some Russians who are being discriminated against, even kill them, and blame non-existent nationalists, etc.
The script has been developed over the years, dating back to the USSR."

Everyone knows the Russian game.


Anonymous said...

sure. blame it on the liberals. why not put Trump back in power. He did nothing but help the wealthy with his tax breaks and soured our allies. Liberals bad so stop taking the things they wrought, ie medicare, social security, wage increaes and the rising stock markets. ps under Dems markets ALWAYS do better. check the stats. But you must blame someone, right?

Anonymous said...

When Trump was in power, Russia did not invade.

When Trump was in power, the Houthis were starved of funding and were not fighting, because there were sanctions against Iran.

When Meat Puppet Biden and ventriloquist Obama came back into power they 180'd everything Trump did and voila Russia invaded. Iran and all its surrogates got cash infusion and the Middle East erupted again. Biden lifted sanctions against Iran and the Ayatollahs were flush with cash to wage war.

Iran funds Hamas. Iran funds Hezbollah. Iran funds the Houthis. Biden funds Iran.

You switched from foreign affairs to the economy. YOU DEFLECTED.

We know what you are 9:49.

Anonymous said...

Rebal in usa look out

Anonymous said...


Alex said...

This will make the Saudis happy.

Anonymous said...

I’m counting to three. I mean it this time. One more attack and you’re grounded for the week.