Friday, January 5, 2024

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken Heads Back To The Middle East As Regional Tensions Flare


DNYUZ/New York Times: Blinken Returns to Middle East as Tensions Grow With Israel 

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken is returning to the Middle East this week with the goals of getting Israel to curtail attacks that are killing thousands of Palestinian civilians and preventing the war from spreading across the region. 

But previously unreported details of a clash between Mr. Blinken and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel point to the challenges ahead. 

During a private meeting in November, Mr. Blinken told Mr. Netanyahu that the Israelis would have to agree to a series of pauses in the fighting in Gaza to let more aid flow into the war zone and to allow civilians to leave areas under attack.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The EU's top diplomat is also in the region trying to defuse the situation .... US and Europe in diplomatic push to stop escalation of Gaza war (RTE). 

A prediction. This diplomatic push is going to fail. Israel is not going to change its war goals, and on the opposite sides the Arabs are furious with the military support that the U.S. is giving to Israel. 

This is a region where the "dogs of war" have been unleashed. And what concerns me is that I see no end to where all of this is heading. 

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken Heads Back To The Middle East As Regional Tensions Flare  

Blinken heads back to the Middle East amid attacks in the Red Sea, Lebanon, Iran and Iraq -- FOX News  

Blinken Arrives In Turkey On First Leg Of Middle East Tour -- AFP 

Blinken Heads to Middle East After Attacks in Red Sea, Iran -- Bloomberg 

Blinken returns to Middle East as regional tensions flare -- SEMAFOR  

Antony Blinken heads to Middle East in firefight mode as risk of escalation grows -- SKY News


Anonymous said...

Onward to Taiwan boys! They're on the ropes!

Ron said...

Where does this end? With one side winning and one side losing. If the Israelis win there will be a lot of Muslims scrounging for electricity, water, food and medicines as the Israelis and possibly the USA take down power, dams, internet gas and oil supplies. If the Israelis lose, there will be a slaughter that makes the third Reich look like a day care.

RussInSoCal said...

Blinken is down in Israel to try and deliver the Democrat base a "ceasefire" based on the installation of a renewed PLA. Not gonna happen. All Gazans strongly support Hamas. Hamas isn't going anywhere and Hamas certainly does not wan any kind of ceasefire. The money flow would be interrupted.

Also, the PLA doesn't want to ride into Gaza on Israeli tanks. That would be ridiculous. And the Arab nations aren't that naive either. The whole Biden policy with Israel is based on panic over losing the domestic Pali-Marxist wing on the Dem party in just about every large city.

Mr Nobody said...

From the CNN article

“There are no strategic drivers, (for) the main regional or external actors to ignite a regional war, if only because the goals of such conflict would be unclear, and this would immediately disrupt their significant political and economic stability,” Norman Roule, former US national intelligence manager for Iran, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on Wednesday. “At the same time, Iran and its proxies have multiple incentives to maintain and even increase the intensity and frequency of the current actions against Israel.

This is propaganda nonsense.

If it is Israelis intend to take over GAZA then it would be in Israelis interest to shift focus to Iran so they could do a final mop up operation while the world's focus is diverted. It would also be in their interest to get the US to help them destroy Hezbollah threat in the north, in Lebanon. It is also in the Israeli interest to have the US provide continuing protection for their operations in Gaza. That way no one dares to interfere, such as the Turks, Egyptians or Iranians.

As far as the Iranians getting "directly involved"?? They may be fanatics, buy they are not fools. They will fund and arm their proxies, yes, of course, but to get directly sending in the Iranian army or air is not going to happen.

And what are these "multiple incentives" the Iranians have to intensify the conflict? If you have an answer, I would truthfully like to see it. Because from what I have seen, the Iranians are like scared little kids wondering when the teacher is going to show up with the paddle.