Saturday, January 6, 2024

White House Officials And President Biden Were Not Aware For Days About US Secretary Of Defense Austin's Hospitalization


Politico: Biden, top White House officials were not informed for days about Austin’s hospitalization  

The news came as a shock to top staff, including national security adviser Jake Sullivan. 

The Pentagon did not tell President Joe Biden and other top officials about Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s hospitalization for three days, three U.S. officials said. 

National security adviser Jake Sullivan and other senior White House aides didn’t know of Austin’s Jan. 1 hospitalization until the Defense Department sent over word Jan. 4, two other U.S. officials said. Sullivan informed Biden shortly after DOD’s Thursday notification. 

The officials said it was highly unlikely that Austin conveyed word to Biden privately before Sullivan’s briefing. “If Jake didn’t know, no way the president knew,” one of them said. “Who would have told him of Austin’s condition if not Jake? And if someone did tell the president, Jake would’ve been his first call.” 

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WNU Editor: The US is currently involved in a number of major conflicts. To me it is incredible that the White House was not aware that their US Secretary of Defense was in a hospital and unavailable. 

US Defense Secretary Austin sits below President Joe Biden at the top of the chain of command of the U.S. military and his duties require him to be available at a moment's notice to respond to any manner of national security crisis. This definitely runs counter to normal practice with the US President and other senior U.S. officials and Cabinet members. 

White House Officials And President Biden Were Not Aware For Days About US Secretary Of Defense Austin's Hospitalization  

Defense Secretary Kept White House in the Dark About His Hospitalization -- DNYUZ/New York Times  

Biden wasn’t aware for days that Defense Secretary Austin was hospitalized -- CNN 

Pentagon is slammed for waiting THREE DAYS to tell White House that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was in intensive care with undisclosed illness - despite conflicts raging in Middle East and Ukraine -- Daily Mail 

Pentagon keeps Austin's hospitalization under wraps for days -- Reuters  

A Pentagon mystery: Why was Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospital stay kept secret for days? -- AP  

Sen Tom Cotton outraged over 'shocking breakdown' related to Defense Sec Lloyd Austin's hospitalization -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden and co are only mouth piece puppets for the not so theoretical deep state that is actually running the show. The White House doesn’t need to know because they are irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

Think on it. Biden is obviously not in charge. Decision making has fractured. Austin runs his shop and obviously reports to no one.
The other scandal is the number two, Kathleen Hicks stayed on vacay in Puerto Rico rather than return to DC to run things!

Clown show.

Mr Nobody said...

If that report is true...

Now we know who is the power behind the throne and one of the major gate keepers running the show....Mr Jake Sullivan.

Anonymous said...

In 2016 and 2020, before the Jan. 6 insurrection, Trump did sign. President Joe Biden, who signed it, questioned why Trump “can’t bring himself to sign a piece of paper saying he won’t attempt a coup to overthrow our government.”

Donald Trump didn’t sign loyalty oath for Illinois ballot pledging not to ‘advocate the overthrow of the government’ - Chicago Sun-Times

Anonymous said...

"You ought to be ashamed of yourself!" one Republican representative told rioters as they attempted to breach the House floor. "I’ve never had people act this way."

A tense new Jan. 6 video shows Republican congressmen admonishing rioters trying to enter House chamber

Anonymous said...

The gays win again.

Anonymous said...

If the Whitehouse and Jo Jo Bribem were not aware, then they are not the nexus. They are not the shot callers. they are placeholders and window dressing for those that are.

Anonymous said...

Your still pathetic. Keep reaching

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How would you know?

Anonymous said...

That commenter has his very own gadar, that's how!

Ron said...

maybe austin is just an equity hire. not all that important in the scheme of things.

Anonymous said...

Valid point

Anonymous said...

gaydar sez blogger is a chub and the GF is a beard

Anonymous said...

Lololololololol, you've hit your peak, you can't do any better!

Anonymous said...

Safe to say the NCA and domestic policy decision process runs just as it did during the 44th presidential administration.

Anonymous said...

Yes it does.

Anonymous said...

Prrtty much

Anonymous said...

Austin needs to resign and leave. His fat black ass isn't qualified to hold his position anyway. Much like Harvard's Ms. Gay, another one not qualified to hold her office, hired because she was black--much like Kam Harris, yet another black not qualified to hold her position, hired only because of her skin color. Mediocracies all. The future of the USA.

Anonymous said...

Kamala has an economics professor for a father and a biomedical scientist for a mother. Using Bayesian statistics, I would bet Kamala has or had a prefect good Mark I mod 1 brain. However, due to affirmative action she was able to allow her brain to atrophy. Presently, she is unfit for any job. Such are the wages of sin for affirmative action.

She was also drop dead gorgeous in her 20s and 30s. She wasted that too. Having a sugar daddy like Willie Brown comes with costs.