Wednesday, January 10, 2024

World Economic Forum Report Sees A High Chance Of A ‘Global Catastrophe’ Within 10 Years

CNN: The people paid to spot risks see high chance of ‘global catastrophe’ within 10 years  

Humanity faces a perilous future, marked by an explosion of disinformation turbocharged by artificial intelligence and the devastating effects of climate change. 

The gloomy outlook comes from an annual survey by the World Economic Forum (WEF) of people paid to identify and manage global risks. 

According to the report published Wednesday, nearly two-thirds of respondents expect an “elevated chance of global catastrophes” in the next decade. About 30% expect the same in the next two years.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The WEF report is not all negative .... Global Risk Report 2024: The risks are growing — but so is our capacity to respond (World Economic Forum).


Anonymous said...

I bet. They are working on the next big one and will have the solutions ready - just in time again - for the desperate population.

Anonymous said...

Massachusetts Goober and Lt. Goober Declare Emergency Over Migrant Crisis, Ask Residents to House Illegal Immigrants in Their Homes

Who let them in? Who invited them? Any and every elected Democrat.

Out of brotherly love the the surrounding states should take in some illegals too. That would be New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut.

Be a Democrat's Democrat! Have a BIG heart and stupid mind. Take in an illegal.

Swedish royal family befriended a 19 year old Somali refugee, who proceeded to sell the Swedish crown jewelry to drug dealers and tossed a 40,000 dollar tiara into a stream.

Come on Democrats...take in a refugee!

It will be like a box of chocolates. Never know what you might get.

Ron said...

What a joke. Of course, CNN. An existential climate crisis could happen tomorrow or 1,000 years from now, but it will happen. an immense X class solar flare, an asteroid, a super volcano, natural cycle rapid cooling. These things will happen again. But human imputes of CO2. Paaa-lease. Every model the government financed climate scientists have done have overvalued warming when the results are matched to reality. I could go on and on about why their predictions of climate catastrophe is a fraud but the only thing the smell test needs is to know that they spend a lot of cha-ching censoring the science that creates the sceptics. If you have all the answers, bring your critics out and debate them showing the flaws in their arguments. But they will not do that will they.

The other part of the equation that makes this story a joke is the fact of spontaneous organization. Life, including humans, have an incredible faculty to adapt and thrive. Life will go on but for Human governments who tend to hamper peoples abilities to organize and adapt.

Anonymous said...

It's still going on and hasn't stopped yet.
1. covid, changes all the time, never goes away
2. FG Russkies, they haven't changed since WWII, never goes away
3. Still too damn many people, never goes away
4. rag heads, never goes away

Anonymous said...

Crisis, response, clamp-down!

Anonymous said...

Let’s poach fauxchi

Anonymous said...

Action-response; YOU AREN’T gfma.