Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The Taliban In Afghanistan Have 150 Humvees That Are Now Being Used In Suicide Attacks

U.S. Army 1st Lt. Jared Tomberlin climbs on a Humvee for a better view as he and his soldiers search for activity in a town near Forward Operation Base Lane in Zabul province, Afghanistan, March 14, 2009. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Adam Mancini

New York Times: Taliban, Using Humvees Stolen From Army, Attack Check Post

KABUL, Afghanistan — In an attack using a tactic long feared by Afghan officials, Taliban suicide bombers riding in two stolen Afghan Army Humvees clashed with security forces on Saturday in southern Helmand Province, killing six security personnel at a checkpoint, Afghan officials said.

While the Afghan government has publicly played down the threat, in private, officials have warned that insurgents, who have in the past largely relied on motorcycles and basic weapons, could gain new advantages by turning seized or abandoned military equipment against Afghan security forces.

As insurgents grabbed territory last year that was once controlled by Afghan forces, they also seized weapons and Humvees provided by the American military from bases and checkpoints abandoned by Afghan forces, which are stretched thin fighting on their own without the combat assistance of NATO forces.

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WNU Editor: 150 Humvees?!?!?!


Don Bacon said...

Those Humvees were "driven" by the ghost soldiers, the forty percent of the ANA that is AWOL. They weren't needed any longer so somebody should get some use out of them.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully they put them into good use we gave everything else away for free anyway

Unknown said...

You hit the Taliban in the the Pakistan tribal areas. You assassinate them and put fear in their hearts.

Jay Farquharson said...

Didn't work the first time, or the second, or the third.

Given a choice between supporting the drug dealing, boy raping, gunpoint tax collecting , property seizing, random killing, Genocidal Warlord of your choice,

( take your pick, there's lots of them)

Or the Taliban, who actually have codified rules and ethics,

Which one would you choose?

RRH said...

I'd choose not to be involved there in the first place.

Some, however, just can't resist Manlove Thursday and all that opium (money).

RRH said...

I'd choose not to be involved there in the first place.

Some, however, just can't resist Manlove Thursday and all that opium (money).

Jay Farquharson said...

Afghans have little choice, refugee, collateral damage, align with a Warlord, join the Taliban, join ISIS.

They don't have the choice of not being "involved".

RRH said...

I know Jay,

But we do.

RRH said...

And Afghans aren't the only ones involved in the things I mentioned.

Jay Farquharson said...

Not really, we get one vote for "promises" every 4 years.

RRH said...
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RRH said...

Touché Jay. Touché.

Here's a promise you can take to the bank, however.

I'll never go back to Afghanistan.