Tuesday, February 16, 2016

World News Briefs -- February 16, 2016

Reuters: South China Sea takes center stage at U.S.-ASEAN summit

U.S. President Barack Obama and allies from Southeast Asia will turn their attention to China on Tuesday on the second day of a summit intended to improve commercial links and provide a united front on maritime disputes with Beijing.

After a first day focused on trade and economic issues, Obama and his counterparts from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will try to arrive at a common position on the South China Sea during a second day of talks at Sunnylands, a California resort.

China and several ASEAN states have conflicting and overlapping claims in the South China Sea, but not all the Southeast Asian nations agree on how to handle them.

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Syrian hospitals hit as battlefield grows more chaotic.

Russia presses air blitz in Syria to dictate peace terms.

U.N. envoy discusses ceasefire, aid with Syrian foreign minister: spokesman. UN envoy to meet Syrian officials in cease-fire push.

Iraqi military helicopter crash kills nine.

Americans kidnapped in Iraq last month released.

Turkey shells Kurdish forces in Syria for 4th successive day.

Turkey seeks allies' support for ground operation as Syria war nears border.

UN warns of famine in besieged Yemeni city.

Russia's Putin met Iran's defense minister in Moscow: TASS cites Kremlin.

Iran reformists, moderates unite ahead of vote.


Afghan leaders urge Taliban to end war.

Afghan Forces move against Islamic State militants in Nangarhar. Dozens of Afghan soldiers and police killed in Helmand.

White House says expects China will support new sanctions on North Korea.

Obama to make first visit to Vietnam in May.

Obama welcomes 10 Southeast Asian leaders to California summit. Obama to wrap summit with Southeast Asian leaders.

Vietnam PM wants stronger U.S. role in South China Sea.

Curfew imposed in Indian Kashmir after 2 killed in protests.

South Korea’s leader has warned that the North Korean regime could ‘collapse’.

China trade figures tumble by double digits in January.

China raps Australia foreign minister ahead of Beijing trip.


Cameroon forces kill 162 Boko Haram extremists, retake town.

Gloom but also hope for Libya five years after uprising. Stop Islamic State in Libya before it is too late: Former undercover CIA operative.

New Islamic State franchise threatens Egypt.

U.S. denies reports that 1 of its drones crashed in Somalia.

Ugandan candidates make final appeals to voters before election. Ugandan opposition leader says vote will not be free or fair.

EU warns Burundi of more sanctions.

Congo general strike stops most economic activity in capital.

South Africa wants its money after aircraft detained in Zimbabwe.


Poroshenko calls for PM, prosecutor to resign.

Three soldiers reported killed in East Ukraine. Ukraine military reports highest daily death toll since November.

Ukraine and Russia close their borders to foreign truckers.

Unfriendly skies: Turkey prevents Greek PM Tsipras from entering airspace.

EU's East wants plan to seal Greek border if Turkey deal fails.

Police conduct terror raids in Germany and Belgium.

Bosnian police arrest 3 people suspected of war crimes.


Former US President George W. Bush campaigns for brother Jeb.

Genes, bugs and radiation: WHO backs new weapons in Zika fight.

US authorizes up to 110 daily flights to Cuba.

Venezuela replaces hardline economic Czar after 1 month.

Pope to visit Mexican state ravaged by brutal drug violence.

Antonin Scalia death: Obama to act after Senate returns next week.

Former U.N. chief Boutros Boutros-Ghali dead at 93: Venezuelan envoy.


IS faces budget crunch, killing perks and slashing salaries.

Exclusive: Samples confirm Islamic State used mustard gas in Iraq - diplomat.

Racial profiling seems to be a weapon in Europe’s war on terrorism.


Jobs in U.S. aerospace, defense sector seen up 3.2 percent in 2016.

Anglo American sinks to $5.5bn loss.

Oil gives up gains after Saudis and Russia agree output freeze.


Don Bacon said...

This part of the US statement must have gotten a lot of smiles.."..... the necessity of disputes being resolved through peaceful, legal means." Meanwhile, the US is wasting a lot of time and energy on a situation it has no influence over.

RRH said...

"The EU ministers meeting in Brussels Monday said the European Union stands ready to impose sanctions against those in Burundi who have contributed to the country's violence as well as those who have hampered a political solution."

But corrupt Ukrainian gangster, Banderite, warmongering, thug welfare bums can freely travel to, make speeches in and shill for "aid" for their military/ neo NAZI paramilitary groups to attack people of the Donbass or anyone else who disagrees with/resists them.

The Euro leaders aren't intelligent enough to realize just how full of $#-+ and ridiculous they are.