Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Chinese Military Told To Prepare For War

President Xi Jinping has been pushing the PLA to boost its combat readiness since he took the top job in late 2012. Photo: Xinhua

SCMP: China’s military priorities for 2019: boost training and prepare for war

* PLA’s official newspaper outlines ‘work focus’ in New Year’s Day editorial, saying ‘at no time should we allow any slack in these areas’

Strengthening training and preparation for war are among the top priorities for China’s military in 2019, its official newspaper said on Tuesday.

“Drilling soldiers and war preparations are the fundamental jobs and work focus of our military, and at no time should we allow any slack in these areas,” the PLA Daily said in its New Year’s Day editorial.

“We should be well prepared for all directions of military struggle and comprehensively improve troops’ combat response in emergencies … to ensure we can meet the challenge and win when there is a situation.”

Other priorities outlined in the editorial included thorough planning and implementation to develop the military, fostering reform and innovation, and party building within the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

Read more ....

WNU Editor: This Chinese editorial is a continuation on what President Xi said two months ago .... President Xi tells military to ‘concentrate preparation for fighting a war’ (News.com.au).


Anonymous said...

OMG! America never prepares for war!

What potential disaster could this portend!

Those darn inscrutable orientals, they did Pearl Harbor job us after all!

Better raise war spending to 10% of GDP. Make that 20%.

Jac said...

China is a real threat, yes. So, we have to take it seriously and spend more on defense WITH EFFICIENCY. That said, China is lack of militarily experience and I am not sure that an "afraid decision making communist party" will go to war. All these "dignitary" don't want to lose their "comfort" for just a war.

Anonymous said...

"OMG! America never prepares for war!"

You missed the point due to naivete or in purpose.

Every competent military prepares for war. Typically leaders do not strenuously call for preparations. That is a warning sign.

Anonymous said...

the only war is in your own head dont let the devil in man .. the misguided will suffer and be lost forever ...GOD is love and forgiveness ,too hell with the mind control. there is know death only your sines are your souls are made of static,