Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Chinese Admiral Claims Sinking Two U.S. Aircraft Carriers Would Bring The U.S. To Heel Amid Current Disputes

Ships with the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group and John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group transit the Philippine Sea on November 16, 2018. Petty Officer 3rd Class Connor Loessin

Epoch Times: Hawkish Chinese Officer Suggests Sinking Aircraft Carriers to Intimidate US

In widely circulated speech, well-known firebrand claims Americans would back down in face of heavy casualties

Luo Yuan, a Chinese military academic ranked as a rear admiral in the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), has claimed that the United States could be brought to heel amid current disputes if two of its aircraft carriers were struck and destroyed by Chinese missiles.

In a Dec. 20 speech delivered in Shenzhen, China, Luo said that the ongoing Sino–U.S. trade war was “definitely not simply friction over economics and trade,” but constituted a “prime strategic issue,” Taiwan’s Central News Agency (CNA) reported Dec. 23.

According to Luo, the “five cornerstones of the United States” are the military, the dollar, talent, votes, and the presence of adversaries. Taking aim at the U.S. military, he said that “what the United States fears the most is taking casualties.” Noting China’s expanding anti-ship missile capabilities, he said that sinking one carrier could kill as many as 5,000 U.S. servicemen, or 10,000 if two vessels were destroyed.

“We’ll see how frightened America is,” he said.

Read more ....

Update #1: ‘Sink two aircraft carriers’: Chinese Admiral’s chilling recipe to dominate the South China Sea (News.com.au)
Update #2: Chinese Admiral Says Sinking US Carriers Would End South China Sea Spat – Report (Sputnik)

WNU Editor: I have heard a lot of stupid things in my life, but this one takes the cake. If China decides to attack and sink two U.S. aircraft carriers .... a state of war is going to exist between the U.S. and China that is going be extremely bloody, destructive, and one that will last a long time.


jimbrown said...

Blah bla bla blahhhh.

Everyone has a dream or two.

Anonymous said...

LMFAO, the sinking of two carriers...
Maybe if they sink two carrier strike groups, but now just two ships, no when aircraft can be airborne and sinking delayed for evacuation. Even if you sent a hypersonic through the carrier group, there are still men in aircraft who will quickly give their own lives to save a carrier full of their family.

James said...

Well it seems trade negotiations are getting quite lively.

Anonymous said...

No, it would not be a long war. It would be very VERY short.

It would still be bloody, destructive and one more thing... Nuclear.

Jac said...

This Chinese rear admiral is not educated. Pearl Harbor didn't afraid America, September 11 didn't afraid America....that's just the opposite!!!!!!!!!! Poor guy, we have to pray for him for becoming more normal.

fazman said...

That was a different generation, 5000 u.S casualties will cause riots in the U.S to back down.
It was the Vietnamese that didn't blink at 2 million casualties.

Just a carpenter. said...

I seem to remember on 9/12/01 there was a unified, pissed off country. Dont feed into the false narrative the media attempts to shove down our throats of a divided country. At the end of the day it's just fake news.

Anonymous said...

all, everything is fake fake fake...unless you have it from inside secret sources! NOT

Anonymous said...


More like 12,000 casualties.


Anonymous said...

It was both a Dem in charge in WWI and Dems in charge in WWII...they did not shrink and we won.who is pulling out of Syria to placate Assad, Russia and Iran? the GOP under Trump

Roger Smith said...

Well, they might sink two carriers but who's going to protect China's merchant fleet?