Thursday, March 3, 2022

Ukraine Foreign Minister Is Saying The Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Installation Is On Fire

Times of Israel: Zaporizhzhya blast will be 10 times worse than Chernobyl — Ukraine minister 

 Ukraine’s Foreign Minister says an explosion at the Zaporizhzhya power plant would be 10 times larger than the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. 

“If it blows up, it will be 10 times larger than Chornobyl! Russians must IMMEDIATELY cease the fire, allow firefighters, establish a security zone!” Dmytro Kuleba tweets.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Fighting around Ukraine's nuclear plants raises global concerns (ABC News)  

Update #2: Russian forces surround Ukraine’s biggest nuclear plant, sparking UN concerns (The Guardian) 

WNU Editor: Heaven help us if this report is true. Here are two twitter threads following this story:

Update #3: The website that monitors radiation levels around the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Installation are still operational and can be viewed here (link here).  

Update #4: Russia-Ukraine war live updates: Europe's largest nuclear power plant on fire, mayor says amid Russian attack (ABC News Australia)  

Update #5: From Reuters .... Ukraine officials say fire at nuclear power plant erupted outside the perimeter.

Update #6: A daylight picture of the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant is below (U.S. Department of Energy).

Update #7: A live feed of the nuclear installation ended just 15 minutes ago (see below): 


Jeffsmith said...

That's just great.😖

Crusader said...

As you always say, Mr WNU, 'You break it, you own it'.

Anonymous said...

So the Russian own the two worst nuclear accidents of all time or at least two of the top three.

Za zdarovie!

Anonymous said...

“I’ll tell you something I’ve never talked about publicly. During his visit to Moscow in 2000, I asked Bill Clinton how US would view Russia’s NATO membership. I won’t reveal the details, but the reaction was extremely restrained,” one translation of Putin’s remarks said.

There were and are valid counter arguments to Russia joining NATO.

But Germany is part of NATO. Japan is an ally.

Maybe Putin was sincere. Between China and the US/NATO he had to choose one. The US chose the easy road and so Putin aligned with China and here we are.

Za zdarovie!

B.Poster said...

The Russian approach certainly doesn't seem like a good way to win friends and influence people. They're doing a great job at rehabilitating America's image!!

Anonymous said...

Did the Clinton administration really care about Bosnians or was it about putting Russia in its place by attacking a client state. Was it about showing Russia, who was boss. And of course wagging the dog.