Thursday, March 3, 2022

Fierce Fighting Sparks Fire Outside Ukrainian Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant (Update)

Pictured: A still grab from a live feed at the nuclear power plant in eastern Ukraine. A fire has been seen at a nuclear power plant in Kyiv after tanks opened fire with heavy weapons at the facility, footage in the early hours of Friday morning showed

Daily Mail: Russian tanks set reactor at Europe's biggest atomic power plant ON FIRE: Zelensky accuses Putin of 'nuclear terror' after shelling starts blaze at unit housing radioactive material sparking fears of disaster '10 times larger than Chernobyl' 

* Live feed from Zaporizhzhia nuclear power station showed flames at site, with officials issuing dire warnings 

* Earlier, tanks had been seen firing at buildings in the facility in south-east Ukraine, setting them ablaze 

* Reports said that a generating unit at the plant had been hit, citing the Ukrainian atomic energy ministry 

* Ukrainian officials urged Russia to stop the attack to allow for emergency service crews to put out the blaze 

* The plant has six nuclear reactors, making it the largest in Europe. It produces around 25% of Ukraine's power 

* The country's Foreign Minister said an explosion at the site would be '10 times worse than Chernobyl' 

* Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of 'nuclear terror' and wanting to repeat the disaster 

* Earlier there had been fierce fighting as Russian troops pushed towards the nuclear power plant 

* Missiles were been fired by Russian forces in battle, and fire and black smoke was seen earlier today 

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, the largest of its kind in Europe, was on fire in the early hours of Friday morning after coming under attack by Russian troops. 

A live feed from the station showed a line of military vehicles firing at buildings at the nuclear plant, causing flames to break out at the site in the south-east of the country - sparking fears of a radiation disaster in the nation currently under invasion by Russian forces. 

In response to the attack, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of 'nuclear terror' while British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will seek an emergency UN Security Council meeting in the coming hours, a Downing Street spokeswoman said.

'The UK would raise this issue immediately with Russia,' they added.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The specialists are coming out of the woodwork saying that this is not Chernobyl. But this is still a very scary situation.  

Update: Posobiec on the YouTube stream Timcast IRL wonders if this incident will be used to justify a NATO no-fly zone over Ukraine. He may have a point. Ukraine President Zelensky is now using this event to push Europe to get directly involved .... Ukraine president appeals for European aid amid Russian bombardment of nuclear facility that sparked fire (FOX News).  

Update #2: I hope so .... Ukrainian officials say nuclear power plant secure after Russian attack (CNBC)

Fierce Fighting Sparks Fire Outside Ukrainian Nuclear Plant (Update)

Russia shells Europe’s largest nuclear plant, starting fire -- AP 

Fierce fighting sparks fire outside Ukrainian nuclear plant - officials -- Reuters  

Europe's Largest Nuclear Power Plant on Fire as Russia Attacks -- Bloomberg  

Fire breaks out at Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, mayor says -- CNN  

Fire breaks out at major nuclear plant in Ukraine amid fighting -- The Hill  

Panic as fire erupts at Ukrainian nuclear plant under relentless Russian shelling -- Washington Examiner

Fire At Ukrainian Nuke Plant Contained; Lindsey Graham Calls For Putin Assassination -- Zero Hedge

1 comment:

Dave Goldstein said...

Different kind of reactors BUT 3 are in use. Pretty sure all have uranium in their cores. Can't blow up BUT can scatter fuel to the air for thousands of miles