Thursday, March 3, 2022

Who Supports, Condemns, Or Staying Neutral On Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine

Daily Mail: Who stands against - or WITH - Putin? Map shows which nations - such as North Korea and Syria - have voiced support for Ukraine invasion, those against… and those trying to avoid taking sides 

* NATO, the EU and their allies have provided support to Ukraine and imposed heavy sanctions on Russia 

* Some countries have backed Putin citing US aggression or close historic ties with Russia 

* Others are walking on a diplomatic tightrope to avoid cutting ties with Russia, Ukraine or the West 

Vladimir Putin's barbaric invasion of Ukraine has sparked horror and outrage around the world with leaders lining up to denounce the Russian despot. 

NATO, the EU and their allies have been providing weapons and military hardware to Ukraine while imposing harsh sanctions on Russia intended to cripple the economy. 

But many countries have refused to condemn the military action which has already cost the lives of hundreds of civilians, deciding to preserve their own historic or trade links with the world's largest nation. 

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WNU Editor: It is a surprise to me that India, Mexico, and Brazil are staying neutral. I expected them to condemn this invasion unequivocally. Especially India and Mexico.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. All three of them.

Anonymous said...

You should not be surprised. This is a liberal caused. There are 3 strike against liberals or 3 strikes against Balsonaro depending on you point of view.

1) liberal consider or called Balsonaro right wing. His crime? Defeating a socialist for high office.

2) Balsonaro used or advocated against the tyrannical liberal COVID orthodoxy.

Headline: "Bolsonaro volta a defender uso de ivermectina, sem ..."

For those of you, who live in fly over count along the coasts, the headline reads: "Bolsonaro again defends the use of ivermectin,"

That was a headline in Portuguese, but U.S. headlines are not different.

3) Baslonaro got along with Trump. Again he was reviled.

4th strike if one is needed is Western media does the whole POC and race criticism of Brasil. 40% of Brasilian have African ancestry. I think you average white collar Democrat has more problems with race than your average Brasilian

About 40%of people are mixed race (pardos) in Brasil, but liberals in the American press will focus on race. The most important things in Brasil is to have money and to be beautiful. Race not so much.

5th strike is Putin and Balsonaro met on FEB 16th. Has Decrepit Joe Biden met Balsonaro?

6th Brazilians do not like to be told what to do with their country.

U.S., Brazil: Rainforest Protection Talks Stall Ahead of Biden’s Climate Summit

7th America is weak. Some production lines that did not go to Mexico or China went to Brasil. The small airplanes that operate out of feeder air ports to hubs in the US are of Canadian or Brasilian manufacture. Why bet on a blown horse?

8th Should not American presidents, Congress and press treat Brasil with the some importance and respect as Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Australia and Japan? They don't they treat is like a rather large Banana Republic. They have airs.

India is treated the same way.

India is sitting on the fence it is grey. Nothing special is noted. However, for Brasil they have the label "fellow strongman".


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is left of center. The far leftists run things. So Biden is in effect far leftist. The Mexican president is a socialist. So Biden and AMLO should get along well.

The Biden admin treats AMLO like a poor distant cousin or not at all. WNU noted that AMLO knows what a stolen election looks like. AMLO might not agree with Trump, but Trump is a man of action. Shutting down illegal immigration stops people tramping through Mexico on the way to America. Then Biden comes along and erases that progress and simply does not care what happens to Mexico.

Not only did Biden steal the election, but AMLO sees a corrupt and useless Biden family. So is Mexico's reaction surprising?

Mexico still is irredentist. As the American political class gets more useless. Mexicans are asking what if.

India should be treated as or more important than France or Britain. American relations with India are an afterthought.

How much did the US help or care about India border skirmishes with China? Maybe Blinken called up told his Indian counterpart "That he cared". Better that he did not call at all. The Indians could have been insulted more if Kerry had been sent.

B.Poster said...

The support for Ukraine and against Russia among US allies in the west seems unprecedented to me. US policy here appears to me to be based upon the assumptions that the war isn't going according to Russia's plan, this unprecedented unity in support of Ukraine and against Russia will remain, and those who are neutral will either come to the side of Ukraine or at least remain neutral. If these assumptions are in error, this is likeky to end in unmitigated disaster for us.

It is Still very early in this war. It doesn't surprise me that many countries such as India, Brazil, and Mexico are staying neutral for now. They are proceeding cautiously, carefully studying the situation, and taking a wait and see approach before making decisions.

Also, at least prior to the invasion, many of these countries including the ones mentioned likeky identified much closer to Russia in terms of culture and values. It's going to be a bit much to expect them to turn on dime against Russia.

If they simply remain neutral and the other assumptions prove accurate, It's probably enough and our strategy is a sound one and, while our current execution of the strategy has been choppy in spots, it is still actually pretty good and I expect it to improve. If the assumptions are flawed, this likeky ends in unmitigated disaster for us and anyone who got to close to us and stayed to long. Naturally some folks are going to proceed with caution.

Anonymous said...

Destroying US Foreign Policy One Day at a Time: Joe Biden Weighs Sanctions Against US Ally India for Russian Military Stockpiles