Thursday, July 3, 2008

Act -- The Rescue Of The FARC Hostages

Graphic on the rescue operation to free 15 hostages from rebel captivity. Colombian-French politician Ingrid Betancourt was tearfully reunited with her children for the first time in six years, a day after she and 14 other hostages were rescued by Colombian soldiers posing as Marxist rebels. (AFP Graphic)

From The Belmont Club:

In a development highlighted by the McCain campaign, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was briefed by Colombian President Alvaro Uribe before Wednesday’s rescue of 15 hostages held by terrorists, including three Americans.

The rebel organization has been hit by a series of reversals, most of which were facilitated by intelligence penetrations or communications intercepts before this latest setback. The NYT dry observed, “the rescue came during a period of fragmentation in the FARC after the killing and capture of several senior commanders in recent months.” The BBC described how the operation to rescue the hostages held by FARC was mounted, how the rescuers “slipped” someone into the FARC operational chain and diverted it to their enemies. There were several problems that needed to be solved to carry out this switch. First the hostages had to be retrieved from their dispersals to where they could be rescued en masse. The second problem was how to effect the rescue itself.

Read more ....

More News On The Hostage Rescue From Other Sources:
US Hails Colombian Military Hostage Rescue -- Voice Of America
How the Colombian hostages were freed -- BBC News
Deception and infiltration helped win freedom for FARC hostages -- McClatchy Bureau
Rescued Americans are healthy, reuniting with families -- CNN
U.S. army says freed American hostages in "good condition" -- Reuters
Hostages freed in Colombia returning home -- International Herald Tribune

My Comment: I wish I was a fly on the wall when all of this was going down.

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