Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Al-Qaeda Finds Three Safe Havens For Terror Training

The Mountains Of Pakistan

From Times Online:

Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden’s terrorist organisation, driven out of Afghanistan and defeated in Iraq, is re-emerging in strength in three alternative safe havens for training, operational planning and recruiting – Pakistan, Somalia and Algeria – according to Western intelligence and defence sources.

The core al-Qaeda headquarters in the tribal areas of Pakistan pose the gravest threat to the United Kingdom. But in Somalia and in Algeria, where the so-called al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb was set up in 2004 as a powerful bin Laden offshoot, the organisation is recruiting energetically and its leaders are beelieved to have aspirations to hit Western targets.

Read more ....

More News On Al Qaeda:
Al Qaeda's Summer Plans -- Newsweek
The Return Of Al Qaeda -- Newsweek
Al Qaeda Runs For The Hills -- Newsweek

My Comment: Al Qaeda has reconstituted themselves in the past few years. even though they have suffered numerous defeats in the middle East, they still possess tremendous support. Money, support from many elements of the civilian and government population in the three countries that the Times exposes, as well as outside financial and military assistance, has made Al Qaeda just as dangerous as before.

My fear is that these resources are now going to be used against us at home.

One thing that supporters of President Bush have repeatedly been saying for the past few years is that there has been no terrorist attack in the U.S. since 9/11. That American foreign policy has been successful in keeping the homeland safe. For Al Qaeda, this must really stick in their jaw. After making numerous pronouncements on attacking the U.S. mainland, nothing has happened.

My gut ..... and it is just my gut ..... tells me that because of its own internal need to be credible and respected, Al Qaeda must strike before President Bush leaves office. The entire "raison d'etre" for present day American strategy is that it keeps the homeland safe. What better way to disprove this doctrine by being successful in another 9/11 attack. This would be a tremendous political and propaganda victory.

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