Friday, July 11, 2008

Arab Support Against Iran? -- Commentary And Opinions

From Commentary Magazine:

Haaretz is reporting that an unnamed Arab state has declared that it “won’t oppose” an Israeli military strike against Iran. According to the article, this state fears growing Iranian influence in the region, particularly among its Shiite communities. (My guess is that it’s Saudi Arabia, which has a sizable-and increasingly restless-Shiite underclass.) Meanwhile, Israeli sources say that other Arab states are echoing this support.

Yet Israelis would be foolish to take any confidence from this bizarrely vague news. After all, Arab support for Israeli foreign policy aims-on the rare occasions that it even exists-is pathetically ephemeral. In this vein, consider the Arab response to the 2006 Lebanon war. Initially, Israel’s swift response to Hezbollah’s cross-border raid drew the support of moderate (read: loosely pro-western) Arab states, particularly Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. However, when Arab publics held massive demonstrations in support of Hezbollah, these governments quickly retreated, accusing Israel of war crimes.

Read more ....

More Commentary
What Really Happened in Iraq and Why Israel Won't Attack Iran -- Reality Bytes
Sarkozy Could Be Key to Diplomacy with Iran -- Pajamas media
Is Tehran Bluffing? -- Pajamas Media
Israeli warplanes taking up position in Iraq? -- J6d Newsblog
Iran and Israel build up their bluffing game -- Times Online

My Comment: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That was not so far to figure out?????

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