Friday, July 11, 2008

FARC Leader 'At A Crossroads'

From 24 News:

Bogota - The spectacular rescue of 15 hostages from the hands of FARC rebels has left Latin America's oldest insurgency in a bind just as its new leader Alfonso Cano was weighing negotiating with the Colombian government, analysts said.

The Marxist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) has waged a four-decade battle against the government and is believed to be still holding hundreds of hostages, mainly Colombians, in jungle hideouts.

Franco-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt, three US nationals and 11 Colombians were rescued on July 2 in a military operation in which troops who had taken acting lessons posed as rebels and plucked the hostages from FARC's grasp.

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My Comment: Farc will be a formidable force for years to come. The narco trade and its many lucrative extortion rackets employ and enrich too many people for Farc to disappear. But as a political movement, its influence is now spent.

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