Friday, July 11, 2008

Muslim Scholars Slam Iraqi Uranium Sale

Chemical forms of uranium during conversion: yellowcake and uranyl nitrate solution [UO2(NO3)2].

From Middle East Times:

BAGHDAD, July 10 (UPI) -- The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq issued a statement condemning the sale of processed uranium ore from an Iraqi nuclear facility to Canada.

"The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq condemns this robbery of American and Iraqi sides; affirming that this amount of national wealth is enormous and will be the responsibility of the U.S. occupation to compensate Iraqis with real value," the group said in a statement on its Web site.

The Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq is an influential group of religious leaders who oppose the U.S. presence in Iraq. It formed shortly after the 2003 invasion.

The U.S. Defense Department this week said Iraq secretly transported more than 600 tons of yellow cake uranium from the Tuwaitha nuclear facility in Iraq to the Canadian Cameco Corp. for processing.

Read more ....

My Comment: Why are a bunch of Muslim scholars so keen on keeping uranium yellow cake, a product that can only be used to produced atomic weapon grade material.

This press release typifies the Iranian government's position. The people are suffering, you need to divert the resources to make people's lives easier .... but instead you want to have a nuclear industry with dubious benefits.

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